495. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1
126. From Hart. As Department knows by now … Nasser reported to be contemplating termination USOM/E and may have in mind going farther and condemning United States Government influences and interests in Arab world as a whole. As reported my tel 1232 in short speech today he tensely promised Egyptian public to say some important things at Alexandria July 26 concerning “lying allusions” from Washington regarding Egypt’s economic situation. Today government-backed daily carries articles making unprecedented attack on Point Four accusing its personnel of “spying for Pentagon”, a “danger to our independence and a dagger in our backs”. Fawzi had summoned me to Foreign Ministry for 7:00 p.m. July 26, one hour after Nasser scheduled begins speech but has just cancelled, promising to contact me later for another appointment.
… Ambassador being informed by special messenger tomorrow morning.