468. Telegram From the Consulate General at Geneva to the Department of State1
41. Your niact 50.2 Message delivered by me to Hammarskjold in person orally for his information only at 11:20 p.m. July 17 in Geneva.
After expressing appreciation and asking me to convey his thanks to Secretary Dulles Hammarskjold said he had received the British message and added:
As to the first stage I shall see in the next few days what possibilities there may be to initiate an exploration of Jerusalem and Cairo stands. If the exploration as seems possible would be a time consuming operation we would have to consider the best machinery to follow it up. I believe we must get the present trouble with Jordan out of the way before anything really useful can be done.
As to the second stage he continued I agree that if the operation should be staged with other nations taking part the Security Council provides appropriate forum. However, I know too little of what the Egyptians have in mind to have formed a definite opinion he said.
Personally, Hammarskjold added, I consider direct negotiations the best perhaps the only possible procedure. I think, he continued, the possibilities in that direction should be tried. They would meet with Israeli approval and I do not exclude, he remarked, convincing the Arabs as my view has Soviet and Yugoslav support. Hammarskjold concluded by saying that as soon as possible after his return to Geneva on July 23 from the Middle East he would give me in person another secret message for Secretary Dulles.3 This message will give his evaluation of the seriousness of the Egyptian proposal and of the Israeli atmosphere.
Hammarskjold leaves Geneva evening July 18 by KLM for Beirut. Leaves Beirut July 19 5 am by UN plane for Jidda. Motors thence to Jerusalem. To remain there until July 21 am. Flying to Cairo same day by UN plane. Remains Cairo till July 23 am. Flies Geneva same day arriving Geneva about 8 pm July 23 for 3 day visit. Further travels now undetermined.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/7–1856. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Received at 10:38 p.m., July 17.↩
- Document 465.↩
- See Document 497.↩