465. Telegram From the Department of State to the Consulate General at Geneva1
50. You are requested arrange immediate appointment with Hammarskjold and convey to him for his information only following which you should deliver orally:
“We believe that the British have already informed you of the informal proposals which the Egyptian Foreign Minister has made to them and to us of steps that might be taken toward a Palestine settlement. Subsequent conversations which our Ambassador has had with Fawzi leave some question as to the firmness of the suggestions. Nevertheless, Fawzi has informed us that he intends to discuss the matter with you when he is in Cairo. In view of the fact that Fawzi has broached the proposals to us, you may wish to have our reactions to them.
“The United States would welcome any exploratory talks with the parties to the dispute such as Fawzi suggested as a first phase. In particular, it would seem to us useful if the Egyptians and the Israelis were to indicate their general thinking on the terms of a possible settlement. The mere fact of discussions looking toward a settlement would seem to be all to the good.
“With respect to Fawzi’s proposal for a group to be composed of the UK, US, USSR, India and Pakistan to make recommendations resolving the gap in the positions of the two sides, it is our belief that such a group would be unwise. Experience to date has shown that a multi-lateral group of this kind is not suitable for this purpose. Moreover, it is our belief that discussions among major powers on questions relating to the Palestine problem should take place within the framework of the Security Council which is presently seized of this problem.
“You will, of course, have our support in any effort that you may find it possible to make in bringing the two sides toward a settlement of their dispute.”
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/7–1756. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution Consul General Only. Drafted by Russell; cleared with the Secretary, MacArthur, Ludlow, and Burdett; and approved by Russell who signed for Dulles.↩