456. Telegram From the Department of State to the Consulate General at Geneva1
39. Eyes only Consul General from the Secretary. You are requested to seek earliest convenient appointment with UN Secretary General Hammarskjold and to deliver into his hands for his eyes only following message from me:
“As you know, on April 9 a statement was issued by the White House2 regarding the serious situation in the Middle East. The statement declared that the US is determined to support and assist any nation in that area which might be subjected to aggression, and expressed confidence that other nations will act similarly in the cause of peace.
“Pursuant to this statement and to enable it to act promptly and effectively thereunder, the United States Government has completed arrangements to maintain in close proximity to the Middle East area certain stockpiles of military supplies and equipment earmarked for delivery to any nation subjected to aggression arising out of the Arab-Israel dispute, in violation of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
“We believe that our readiness to provide such assistance will serve as a deterrent to any country contemplating aggression and assurance to any country attempting to pursue peaceful policies. We felt that you should know about this program although we plan to withhold any public announcement until some time following your visit to Jerusalem and Cairo. None of the parties to the dispute knows of the foregoing but I wished you to know of our plans for your own information.”3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/7–1356. Top Secret; Limit Distribution; No Distribution Outside Department. Drafted by Ludlow; cleared by MacArthur, Allen, Wilcox, and Russell; approved by Macomber; and signed by Wilcox.↩
- See footnote 2, Document 258.↩
- That same day Wilcox informed Lodge of the transmittal of this message to Hammarskjöld. (Letter from Wilcox to Lodge; Department of State, USUN Files)↩