436. Telegram From the Consulate General at Jerusalem to the Department of State1

12. Hommel yesterday supplied following fill–in recent UNTSO matters.

UNSYG arriving Jerusalem July 19, has appointment Fawzi July 21. He plans discuss with Ben Gurion latter theory “reciprocal noncompliance” GAA and cease–fire, retaliation threats, Israeli activities in demilitarized zones, and restrictions on movements UN observers. Burns has asked permission make official démarche to GOI stating retaliation prohibited by cease–fire. SYG has instructed him wait his arrival.

Burns has written GOI requesting them cease and demolish fortifications northern demilitarized zone. On contrary, Israelis appear to be erecting more.

Number buildings at Birein in El Auja demilitarized zone is now 6, not pre–fabs but more permanent type. Both men and women in camp, though Hommel unaware population figure or if numbers recently increased. Military position detected 3 kilometers from camp. Since restrictions, Birein no longer susceptible UN observation.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/7–1056. Confidential. Received at 12:14 p.m. Also sent to Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Cairo, and Tel Aviv.