427. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1

23. Trevelyan has told me that Fawzi yesterday reopened subject of Palestine settlement with him in some detail. He said Fawzi while circuitous as usual gave impression of speaking with authority about matter which has been discussed with Nasser and well thought out in advance. Fawzi said he also wanted to talk to me on same subject. As have not seen Fawzi for some time and as he about to leave for Brioni plan to seek appointment early next week see what he has to say.2

Copy Trevelyan’s report to Foreign Office sent Roger Makins.3 So that Department may obtain most accurate picture Trevelyan [Page 779] wiring Makins that I suggesting Department contact him on this subject.

Trevelyan’s general view is that Egypt does want settlement and that Russia for motives of her own may prove to be helpful. He believes Russia fears, in event hostilities, that tripartite declaration will be used in some manner to reinstall Western troops Middle East and that they may be advising Nasser that this would be case with Suez Base. He believes Russia feels their new approach to Middle East and eventually down through Africa of open friendship and economic penetration might be jeopardized by Arab–Israeli war and therefore such conflict not now in their interests.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/7–656. Top Secret; Limited Distribution; Omega Handling. Received at 5:03 p.m.
  2. See Document 440.
  3. See the attachment to Document 433.