352. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1

2264. Chinese Ambassador2 (Doyen Diplomatic Corps) just awakened me to say that announcement had been made following late meeting of RCC that Egypt was recognizing Red China. He unable reach Fawzi or any official and asked for advice as to what he should do. Told him we better sleep on problem and confer tomorrow.

Ambassador Ho said that he had had assurances from Fawzi and others that this would not happen prior to notification to him personally. He speculated that reason for this precipitate action was frustration and concern by Egypt over new policy of west to arm Israel. He volunteered that Egypt now considers United States policy on this question to be pure hypocrisy.

As Departmental instructions preclude at present anything but counterproductive discussion with Nasser and as I have feeling Department does not wish me see him in any case we are without our best contact and probably will not find out motive behind this sudden move. Am inclined believe version of Ambassador Ho probably correct.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 793.02/5–1756. Secret; Niact. Received at 7:25 a.m.
  2. Dr. Ho Feng-Shan.