347. Editorial Note
Admiral Arthur W. Radford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, met at 3:45 p.m. on May 14, with President Eisenhower and his Staff Secretary, Andrew J. Goodpaster. Among the subjects considered at this meeting was the Department of State’s proposed “Operation Stockpile”. The following discussion ensued:
“Admiral Radford then discussed a proposal (which it appeared he had received from State) involving holding a ship loaded with military equipment ready to give to Egypt if aggressed upon, and a ‘stock pile’ of F–86s (from Italy) to Israel if attacked. He was concerned that such an arrangement would leak out. He said he would like very much to discuss the whole matter with State (there are some significant military questions involved) before any decision in principle was taken. The President said it would be quite all right to talk to State, since his whole idea had been that, if the matter could be worked out in agreement, it would be okay with him.” [Page 638] (Memorandum of conversation by Goodpaster; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Eisenhower Diaries)