318. Telegram From the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State1
1149. Foreign Minister told me yesterday that when Hammarskjold had advised him that Syrian Government had undertaken to comply with Article 3 paragraph 2 Israel-Syrian GAA, he had sent reply requesting SYG to obtain commitment Article 3 paragraph 3 GAA2 and also requesting that identical undertakings be obtained from Jordan re similar provision in Israel-Jordan GAA.3 Sharett said importance GOI attaches to this arises from fact that Article 3 paragraph 3 creates an obligation on part Syria (and Jordan) to control activities civilian infiltrators, whereas Article 3 paragraph 2 relates only to military, para-military and non-regular forces.
Sharett said Hammarskjold sent Vigier to Jerusalem yesterday to attempt dissuade Israelis maintenance this position on grounds absence from Israel-Egyptian GAA any provision similar to Article 3 paragraph 3 might, if matter became an issue, be interpreted by Egyptians to mean they have no obligation to control border activities civilians. Sharett labelled this “clever argument” and indicated [Page 593] he was reserving decision on Hammarskjold’s request until their discussion today.4
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 683.84/5–156. Secret. Received at 9:53 a.m. Repeated to Beirut, Damascus, Amman, and Cairo.↩
- This paragraph enjoined any party to the agreement from conducting a “warlike act or act of hostility” from territory it controls against the other party.↩
- Israel and Jordan signed a General Armistice Agreement on April 3, 1949. (U.N. doc. S/1302 and Add. 1 and Corr. 1)↩
- See Document 326.↩