302. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

884. Re Palestine. Cordier informed Wadsworth today SYG expected announce next Thursday or Friday, April 26 or 27, that observer arrangements had been concluded with Egypt and Israel. He said original agreement approved by Egypt had been slightly modified by Israel and he was returning it to Egypt for final approval.

Arrangements provided for greater freedom of movement and patrolling. He said there was nothing new in arrangements, merely restoration of rights.

SYG will ask for 20 more observers to be provided from Sweden, Norway, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. (Cordier has already informed UN delegates of these countries.) SYG suggested non-big-power countries, fearing approach to US might prompt USSR offer observers.

Cordier also said in view strong feeling of Israelis SYG planning ask Egypt next Tuesday, May 1, discuss Suez Canal restrictions on “personal basis”. Believing Egypt will request advisory opinion from US Government on right of SYG discuss this possibility for delaying purposes, SYG requests following be cabled Byroade from Department as basis for answer to Egyptians should they approach him:

“The Secretary-General, as agent of the Security Council, to my knowledge seems to have remained within the limit of his mandate, but as to what the Secretary-General might do on the basis of his constitutional rights as Secretary-General, I neither have reason to express opinions nor any cause now to submit the issue to my government which, in due time, may have to express its view on the personal policy of the Secretary-General.”

Identical message and request being passed by Cordier to USSR, UK and French delegations for remittance their Ambassadors Cairo.

SYG believes this will avoid “time delay” detrimental to success this phase his mission. He also urged that this message be conveyed in strictest confidence.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/4–2356. Secret. Received at 8:05 p.m., April 24.