275. Telegram From the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State1

1076. Pass Army, Navy, Air. Fedayeen carried out 8 new attacks night April 11 all within 15 kilometer radius Tel Aviv. Three schoolboys and teacher killed, 5 wounded, 2 seriously, while at evening prayers in Synagogue at agricultural boarding school at Shafrir, 5 kilometers from Tel Aviv city limits; family of three seriously wounded their house and six passengers wounded in bus near Ramie; raiders shot up main gate IDF headquarters camp at Sarafand (Tserifin). Total casualties last night 4 killed, 15 wounded. Negev area relatively quiet.

Comment: Savage aspect of murders, their unprecedented proximity Tel Aviv and insolence Sarafand attack have caused complete reversal two day downward trend of tempers. One source reports IDF “wild with rage” public appalled and emotionally upset by cumulative effect five nights Fedayeen activities.

Shift of attacks to Tel Aviv, where civilian population not psychologically or otherwise so well equipped to bear up as Negev settlers, has had most dangerous impact. Earlier feeling Israelis would “ride it out” predicated on assumption decline in incidents, increasing effectiveness countermeasures, and indications early cessation of raids.

It appears probable Israelis very close to “cannot live with it” stage mentioned by Sharett (Embassy telegram 8842).

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/4–1256. Secret; Priority. Received at 1:29 p.m. Repeated to Cairo. 2 Not printed. (Ibid., 674.84A/3–556)
  2. Not printed. (Bid., 674.84A/3-556)