270. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Egypt1
2463. You are requested to inform Hammarskjold urgently and discreetly of fact that President has sent personal messages to Prime Ministers of Egypt and Israel2 reaffirming US fullest support Hammarskjold mission. General substance of President’s letter together [Page 516] with copy of White House statement3 should be made available to Hammarskjold.4
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/4–1056. Secret; Niact. Drafted by Ludlow, cleared with Rountree and Burdett, and approved by Wilcox who signed for Dulles. Repeated to the Mission at the United Nations eyes only for Ambassador Lodge. (Telegram 593 to USUN, April 11; ibid., 674.84A/4–1156)↩
- See Documents 263 and 264.↩
- See footnote 2, Document 258.↩
- Byroade
responded on April 12 in part as follows:
“Hammarskjold grateful for being informed President’s message. States he appreciates very much efforts made by United States in support of what he trying to do. Says this support has certainly contributed to create atmosphere for frank and he believes, useful exchanges of views with Nasser.” (Telegram 2045 from Cairo; Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/4–1256)