207. Telegram From the Embassy in the Sudan to the Department of State1
241. Reference Embtel 232.2 Summary of Foreign Office note on High Dam and Nile waters:3 Sudan surprised UK, US, IBRD contemplate loan to Egypt for High Dam which would flood important part Sudan although Sudan not invited discuss. Sudan assumes vital interests not prejudiced. Sudan has not agreed allow any part Sudan be flooded as result High Dam but prepared agree if certain conditions satisfied. Conditions for evacuation Wadi Haifa district: a. Fair division Nile waters; b. Each country permitted build control structures utilize its share; c. Dispossessed persons Wadi Haifa provided by Egypt with alternative accommodation and means of livelihood; d. Egypt compensate Sudan potential loss hydro-electric power; also mineral and archaeological losses. Sudan points out alternative means livelihood disposed persons will require five years and be expensive. Sudan asks categorical confirmation money for High Dam will not [Page 383] be sent until Sudan agrees evacuation. Sudan Government concerned not in position seek financial assistance abroad because does not possess separate currency. Redemption [Resumption] negotiations ended with departure Egyptian delegation.4 Sudan hopes they will be able resume shortly. Sudan application IMF and IBRD delayed by above. Need for rapid irrigation development as great in Sudan as in Egypt and so is need for financial assistance from abroad. Sudan would welcome discussions this matter.5 Similar communication sent Mr. Black prior conclusion his recent negotiations with Egypt.6
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 645W.74322/3–2056. Secret; Priority. Received at 6:59 a.m., March 21.↩
- Beach informed the Department in telegram 232, March 17, that he would soon be receiving a “communication to forward to US Government on subject Sudan interest Nile waters.” (Ibid., 645W.74322/3–1756)↩
- Not printed. (Ibid., 874.2614/3–1756)↩
- See Document 144.↩
- The Department on April 19 instructed the Embassy in Khartoum to respond to the Sudanese note of March 17. The response reads in part: “Throughout negotiations with GOE, US Govt has taken fully into account interests of GOS and there has been basic assumption GOE and GOS would have to reach agreement.” (Telegram 169 to Khartoum; Department of State, Central Files, 645W.74322/4–1956)↩
- See Document 69.↩