130. Telegram From the Department of State to the Office of the Representative at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization1
3112. Embtel 3810, February 23.2 Problem of Mysteres is obviously one which involves considerably more than mere interruption of OSP Contract. It concerns basic question of arms sales to Israel. If French Government in fact desires to sell these planes, French Ambassador here could ask for meeting of Ambassadorial Committee or simply place matter before NEACC at any time. US Government has no basis for taking initiative in matter.
Foregoing has been brought to attention of French Ambassador February 24.3 He said his Government wanted to clear OSP angle before asking for meeting of Ambassadors. He was reminded of assurances we had given that OSP angle would present no problem. He said he would ask his Government for instructions whether to ask for quadripartite meeting but was certain his Minister would want to know what position other Governments took on basic question of sales to Israel. He was informed that while normal shipments of spare parts are being cleared through NEACC, US Government has taken no decision re major Israeli request. This did not mean that we were advising other Governments to decide question one way or other.
We believe Couve recognizes now that he must take initiative here if French Government wishes subject to be considered on policy grounds.
McGuire, deputy to Assistant Secretary of Defense Gray, informed Department February 25 he would ask Gray, now in Paris, to inform DEFREPAMA Haskell of US position. French authorities should make written application to Haskell if they wish to alter OSP contract.4
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 784A.56/2–2356. Secret. Drafted and approved by Allen who signed for Dulles. Repeated to Tel Aviv and pouched to London.↩
- Document 117.↩
- No record of this conversation has been found in Department of State files.↩
- The Embassy in Paris informed the Department on February 28 that these instructions were “discussed with Haskell who concurs in Embassy view that French request for alteration OSP contract should be made to contracting officer through normal procurement channels.” (Telegram 3906 from Paris; Department of State, Central Files, 784A.56/2–2856)↩