119. Telegram From the Consulate General at Jerusalem to the Department of State1
351. When General Burns brought message my telegram 171 to Cairo2 he also handed me text his telegram to UNSYG reporting his conversation June 7 with Sharett. Paraphrase follows:
Begin Paraphrase:
Sharett viewed as encouraging Egypt’s agreement have senior officer discuss Nasser’s proposal for creation neutral zone through withdrawal military each side DL. Although not agreeing beforehand to proposal, he said Israel is prepared enter into discussions and Egypt should also be ready discuss Burns’ four points.Sharett perceived various objections to neutral zone idea, which he discussed at some length. He showed interest in obtaining Burns’ impressions as to whether Nasser in fact sought establish peaceful conditions Gaza area or desired continue trouble there for some purpose of his own.Burns explained Nasser’s problems in respect enforcement strict orders with regard opening fire in view incidents subsequent to May 28 as well as incident of that date itself, but said he thought Nasser really desired peace. According Sharett, Israel desired that Agenda for talks should include any other proposal respecting improvement security and lessening tensions area which either party may bring forward. Message ends with text Burns’ telegram to Fawzi as given my telegram 171 to Cairo.
[Page 230]End Paraphrase.
In discussing above Burns said Sharett had objected to setting up neutral zone on grounds that it would increase possibilities for infiltration.Burns pointed out that conclusion of a local commanders agreement allowing police operate in neutral zone should overcome that objection.Sharett alluded to Egyptian reservations about such an agreement. In view their objections direct telephone contact he felt such an agreement would prove ineffectual.Burns replied that Egyptians have recently modified their stand and have indicated to him that they might accept some form of quasi-direct communications possibly handled through UNTSO personnel Gaza area. He also told Sharett, in reply to some comment of latter, that Egyptians now more favorably inclined his proposal about erection barbed wire barrier, not on frontier perhaps but possibly small distance their side of boundary.
In reply to my inquiry,Burns agreed that choice Egyptian Chief of Staff or other ranking military figure represent Egypt at prospective high-level talks was not ideal and that matter might better be handled by civilian officials. In his view, however, Egypt will not agree to send civilian. He strongly recommended as practical matter acquiescing Egyptians wishes on this point. He hoped Dayan might prove fairly reasonable, assuming he would be Israel’s representative. Bums concurred heartily substance last sentence Cairo’s telegram 1850, June 5 to Department,3 expressing hope Sharett’s agreement to discuss neutral zone proposal would suffice to pave way for meeting.
Adverting Burns’ earlier views as presented my telegram 328,4 which was drafted (reference London’s 5257 to Department5) on basis written notes made while Burns was speaking, I asked him whether he is now more optimistic about value high-level talks.Burns replied that introduction idea of buffer zone constituted a new element which he thought merited such consideration, while Egyptian offer send ranking officer had of course changed entire situation.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/6–855. Confidential; Priority. Received at 10 a.m. Repeated priority to Cairo, London, Paris, Tel Aviv, Amman, Baghdad, Beirut, Damascus, Jidda, and USUN.↩
- General Burns asked Cole on June 7 to transmit a message to Fawzi saying that Sharett had told Burns the morning of June 7 that Israel was prepared to appoint a general officer to meet an Egyptian of similar rank to consider Nasser’s proposal to withdraw each other’s armed forces one kilometer away from the Gaza Strip demarcation line. (Telegram 350 from Jerusalem;ibid., 674.84A/6–755)Byroade delivered Burns’ message to the Egyptian Foreign Office on June 8. (Telegram 1864 from Cairo, June 8;ibid., 674.84A/6–855)↩
- Burns subscribed to Byroade’s observation that the joint U.S.-U.K.-French démarches to the Egyptian Government contemplated in Department telegram 2108 (see footnote 2, Document 116) “should be aimed at getting GOE to permit Chief of Staff to attend in any case.” (Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/6–555)↩
- Document 102.↩
- The Embassy in London, in telegram 5257, June 1, informed the Department that the British Foreign Office had received a report from the British Consul General at Jerusalem to the effect that “views of Burns on high level talks are not so much that need for such talks no longer exists (Jerusalem’s 328, May 21) as that Burns personally feels he has done all he can and next move is up to tripartite powers.” (Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/6–555)↩