- Abd al–Hadi, Awni, 54, 157, 705n
- Abdullah, King, 68, 686
- Abramov, Aleksandr N., 648
- Abu al–Huda, Tawfiq, 1, 3n, 4–5, 17, 22
- Abu Dhabi (see also Buraimi dispute), 252n, 497
- Abu Taleb, Abd al–Rahwan, 751, 752n
- Acheson, Dean, 622
- Adams, Sherman, 285n, 404
- Aden Protectorates, 286, 309, 363–364, 367, 487, 752, 754–755
- Adenauer, Konrad, 122
- Adib, Mamdouh, 449, 468, 481
- Aero Services, 771
- Afghanistan, 578
- Aflaq, Michel, 676
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the:
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 6, 20, 28–29, 32n, 280–281, 291n, 293, 301–302, 324, 327, 329, 334, 337, 388n, 567
- Alexandretta, 528
- Algeria, 46, 624–625
- Allen, Francis O., 170, 173n, 174n, 516n, 517n, 522n, 526n, 529n, 538n
- Allen, George E., 751n
- Allen, George V., 12n, 20, 40n, 173n, 177n, 185n, 249, 266n, 272n, 278n,
291n, 296n, 306n, 327, 395n, 396n, 520n,
522n, 542n, 551n, 557n, 565n, 579n, 751n
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 170n
- Baghdad Pact, 5, 8
- Egypt, 543n, 545
- Jordan, 15–16, 23–26, 34
- Lebanon, 171–176, 181–182, 184–185
- Middle East, 309–310
- Saudi Arabia, 251–254, 257–259, 289n, 301n, 303, 325, 336, 354n, 361–362, 393–394
- Syria, 513n, 529, 539n, 543, 567, 574–583, 586–588
- United Kingdom, 304, 305n, 313n, 329, 334, 377n
- Alphand, Hervé, 605–606
- Amer, Gen. Abdel Hakim, 593–594, 745
- American Doctrine. See Eisenhower Doctrine.
- al–Amri, Ibn Abdullah Mohamed, 752n, 760
- al–Amri, Qadi, 757–759
- Anab, Brig. Radi, 27
- Anderson, Robert B., 341–342, 403–404
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 25–26, 43, 66, 87, 231, 245, 428, 481n, 498, 508–509, 624
- Arab Collective Security Pact, 515
- Arab Labor Confederation, 595n
- Arab League, 1, 172, 253n, 287
- Arab League Collective Security Pact, 1
- Arab League Committee, 25
- Arab Legion, 15–18, 42–43, 47 [Page 776]
- Arab nationalism, 447, 667
- Arabian Peninsula, 487
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 36
- British foreign policy, 315
- Egypt, 6, 202–203, 442, 487, 746n
- Jordan, 6, 84
- Lebanon, 202–203
- Oil industry, 14
- Persian Gulf sheikhdoms, 315
- Saudi Arabia, 309, 317n, 374, 447, 508
- Soviet position, 487
- Suez Canal crisis, 84, 487
- Syria, 442, 525, 592, 622–623, 628–630
- U.S. position, 83, 624–625, 715–716
- Arab States (see also
Arab–Israeli dispute; Arab
League; Arab Legion; Arab nationalism; and individual
- Beirut meeting, 406
- Cairo meeting, 84, 421, 423, 427–430, 443, 515, 597, 759
- Four–power memorandum, 468–469
- Neutralism in, 513
- Regional defense, 172
- Syrian crisis, 656–657, 731
- United States, relations with, 171–172, 175, 201–202, 476–477, 715, 743–744
- U.S. military and economic aid to, 64–65, 77n, 132, 137, 170n, 171, 176, 185–186, 190–191
- Arabian–American Oil Company (Aramco) (see also
- Aden Protectorates, 286
- Buraimi dispute, 282, 284, 287n, 294, 437
- Dammam Harbor, 460
- Riyadh–Medina railroad, 457
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 250, 253, 254n, 271, 299, 315, 403, 503–505, 748
- Saudi revenues, 293, 319, 321, 332–334, 337, 347–348, 492, 549
- Syria, 585, 600, 652
- United Kingdom, relations with, 284, 749
- Arab–Israeli dispute (see also
Israel; Palestinian
- Arab nationalism, 36
- Arms race, 356
- Border fighting, 428, 441–442
- British role, 36
- Egyptian position, 14–15, 41, 176, 190
- ESS Pact, 41, 190
- Fedayeen activity, 70, 120, 428–429
- Gaza strip, 13, 443
- Israeli attack on Gaza, Feb. 1955, 13
- Israeli attack on Syria, Dec. 1955, 560, 569
- Jordan, 6–7, 13, 22–23, 33, 69, 166, 655
- Jordan Valley plan, 15
- Lebanon, 179–180, 183, 187, 201–202
- Palestine government proposals, 14, 157
- Palestinian refugees, 157, 187, 623
- Partition plans, 14–15
- Saudi position, 21, 41, 190, 257, 269, 270n, 279n, 408, 443, 507
- Soviet position, 316, 603, 715–716
- Syrian position, 41, 190, 526, 535, 538, 578n, 596, 609, 620, 623, 627, 677, 743–744
- U.N. role, 14, 62, 257, 270n, 623, 627
- U.S. military aid to Arab States, 64–65, 77n, 132, 137, 170n, 171, 176, 185–186, 190–191
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 269, 356, 434, 462–463
- U.S. position, 14–15, 175, 197, 257, 300, 506, 535, 538, 557, 655, 715–716
- U.S.–Saudi relations, 257, 300
- U.S.–Syrian relations, 535, 538, 568, 620, 623
- Arabian Peninsula (see also Abu Dhabi; Kuwait; Muscat and Oman; Persian Gulf Sheikhdoms; Saudi Arabia; Yemen):
- Aramco. See Arabian–American Oil Company.
- Armstrong, William P., 72n, 102–103, 375–377, 561, 601n
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 149, 345–346
- Arneson, R. Gordon, 498–499, 651
- Asad, Shaikh, 357
- al–Asali, Sabri, 427, 516n, 519n, 523–525, 535–536, 610–611, 612n, 636–637
- Asbjornson, Mildred, 15n, 680n
- Aswan Dam, 74, 668
- al–Atasi, Fayid, 515, 538–539
- al–Atasi, Hashim, 515, 517, 520, 521–523, 526, 579
- Atomic energy, 419
- Australia, 247
- al–Ayoubi, Ali Jawdat, 571
- Azkoul, 200
- al–Azm, Khalid Pasha, 525, 529, 535–536, 580, 611, 630, 675, 676, 679
- Azores, 381
- Azzam Pasha, Abdel Rahman, 296, 303, 305, 387, 499n
- Badawi, Capt. Faisal, 449, 511n
- al–Badr ben Ahmad, Crown Prince Muhammed, 511–512, 748–749, 751, 755–757, 760, 770, 773n
- Baghdad Pact:
- Economic committee, 44
- ESS opposition to, 41, 224, 518
- Formation of, 515
- Iranian participation, 515
- Iraqi participation, 19, 36, 349, 440, 521
- Israeli position, 7
- Jordanian participation, 1, 4, 11, 22, 44, 71, 125, 528, 536, 556
- Lebanese participation, 1, 5, 171, 528, 536, 556
- Pakistani participation, 515
- Saudi Arabia, 224, 251, 253–254, 258–259, 303n, 347, 349, 409, 412, 414, 439–440
- Soviet Union, relations with, 157
- Syria, 5, 514–518, 528–529, 536, 568, 620, 630, 679, 734
- Turkish participation, 440
- United Kingdom, 4–5, 29, 409, 412, 515
- U.S. military aid to, 4–5
- U.S. position, 29, 516–518, 529, 556, 568
- U.S.–Saudi relations, 251, 253–254, 258–259, 303n, 439–440
- Bahrain, 284–285, 310, 384, 403–404, 460, 487
- Bahri, Yunis, 25
- Bailey, Ronald W., 34, 86–88, 351, 388n
- Bakdash, Khalid, 58, 526, 566, 575, 577, 676, 678, 745–747
- Balfour Declaration, 393
- Balmer, Maj. Gen. J.D., 530n
- Bandung Conference, 262, 523n
- Bank of America, 572
- Bapco, 284–285
- Barbour, Walworth, 5, 10n, 17–18, 223–225, 301n, 304–305, 307–308
- Barnes, Robert G., 313n, 324, 389n, 456, 464n, 558n
- Barnes, Maj. Gen. Verdi B., 701
- Barrow, John R., 620n, 626n
- Bashayan, Burhan al–Din, 96, 127
- Baxter, William O., 644n, 648–650, 662–663
- Bayar, Celal, 658, 684
- Becker, Loftus E., 498n, 725n
- Beckner, Earl R., 503, 583n
- Beeley, Harold, 229, 232n, 247, 659
- Belyayev, Vasiliy A., 546
- Ben Gurion, David, 14, 26, 55n, 97, 104, 297n, 394, 614
- Bennett, William T., 379, 478n, 480n
- Bennsky, George M., 503
- Berding, Andrew H., 510, 730
- Bergin, Rear Adm. Charles K., 449, 451–452
- Bergus, Donald C., 8n, 12n, 23n, 31n, 37n, 40n, 41n, 43n, 44n, 48n, 51n, 60n, 66n, 67n, 7n, 76n, 80n, 83n, 95n, 112n, 126n, 129n, 132n, 134n, 140n, 146n, 148n, 154n, 164n, 167n
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 98, 109, 207n, 574n, 700n, 734n
- Berry, James Lampton, 57n, 86–88, 126n, 132n, 154n, 164n, 652n, 707n
- Bevans, Charles I., 521n, 768n
- Bevin, Ernest, 153
- Bey, Khalid, 287–288, 481
- Bey, Sabri, 610
- Birgi, Nuri, 593n
- Bishop, Frederick A., 670, 682, 689
- Bitar, Salah al–Din, 611, 620–628, 676, 763
- al–Bizri, Gen. Afif, 639, 676, 677–678, 708, 745–747
- Black, Eugene R., 457, 459, 506
- Blackiston, Slator C., Jr., 37n, 57n
- Boardman, Francis, 181, 184n, 185n, 191n, 542n, 546n, 558n, 563n, 574n, 579n, 583n, 586n, 587n
- Bowie, Robert R., 20, 327, 329, 334, 567
- Boyle, Charles A., 587
- Brand, Vance, 456
- Brentano, Heinrich von, 122
- Brewer, William D., 767n
- Brewster, Herbert D., 723n
- British Development Board, 39
- Brook, Norman, 510, 730
- Brown, Elizabeth Ann, 725n
- Bulganin, Nikolai A., 268, 297n, 351, 700n
- Bulgaria, 577, 721–724, 731
- Bullard, Reader, 274, 281
- Buraimi dispute:
- Aramco, 282, 284, 287n, 294, 437
- Arbitration Tribunal, establishment of, 274–275
- British occupation, 280–288, 331, 339
- British position, 29, 223n, 289, 291n, 308, 322–324, 328, 330–333, 377, 497, 511
- British–Saudi direct talks, 315, 321, 323–324, 331–332, 335–336
- And Muscat and Oman dispute, 222, 232, 234, 244–245
- Neutral zone, 336–337, 339, 355
- Oil industry, 286, 335
- Public opinion, 330
- Refugees, 355
- Riyadh line, 280, 328, 330–331
- Saudi–Egyptian relations, 29, 285, 367
- Saudi position, 244–245, 282–284, 286–288, 291, 294–295, 330, 333
- Saudi troop movements, 363
- Soviet military aid to Saudi Arabia, 282
- Truman declaration, 306–307, 333
- U.N. role, 286–287, 292, 294–295, 302, 304
- U.S.–British relations, 223–225, 230, 282–284, 293, 303–308, 314n, 318, 320–321, 324, 377–378
- U.S. position, 289, 295–296, 362, 396–397, 405, 749
- U.S.–Saudi relations, 252–253, 287–288, 295, 300, 303, 312n, 325, 328, 351, 355–356, 436–437, 475
- Burdett, William C., 30n, 177n, 185n, 231n, 273n, 347n, 388n, 582n, 586n, 632n, 661n, 691n, 694n, 696n, 698n, 766n
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 734
- Burma, 78, 578
- Burrows, Bernard, 244
- Butler, Col. Edward G., 291
- Byroade, Henry A., 378n
- Cabell, Lt. Gen. C.P., 640, 653n, 674n, 685
- Caccia, Harold, 20, 79n, 106–107, 247, 327, 510, 720
- Cain, Leighton, 359
- Caltex, 599
- Canal Convention of 1888, 419, 429
- Cargo, William I., 237n
- Carrigan, John W., 225, 283–285, 287, 399–402, 405–406, 408–409
- Case, John E., 249–250, 264, 271
- Cassilly, Thomas A., 769–770
- Central Intelligence Agency, 310
- Ceylon, 78
- Chamoun, Camille, 46, 103, 180, 192–194, 201n, 219, 406n, 508–509, 610
- Chapin, Selden, 270n
- Chase Manhattan Bank, 572
- Chehab, Fuad, 191n, 192, 210–211
- China, People’s Republic of, 64, 66–70, 261–264, 577, 642
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 635
- Churchill, Winston Spenser, 330
- Coghill, Patrick, 26
- Collins, Brig. Gen. Richard, 94–95
- Colombia, 247
- Comay, Michael S., 662
- Compton, Arthur A., 161n
- Congress, U.S.:
- Convention of Constantinople of 1888, 498
- Cooper, John S., 311
- Corbett, Jack C., 456
- Cottman, James S., Jr., 20, 327, 329, 334, 567
- Coulson, John Eltringham, 8, 106, 340
- Craig, H.S., 530n
- Crawford, 760, 766
- Crossman, Richard, 14
- Crosthwaite, Ponsby Moore, 237n, 238n, 241
- Cuba, 247
- Cumming, Hugh S. Jr., 234–235, 640, 674n
- Cutler, Robert, 685, 701, 703
- Cyprus, 18–19, 35, 233, 366
- Czechoslovakia, 93, 185, 206, 713, 732
- Dale, William N., 510, 730
- Davies, Fred, 294, 333, 406, 503–505
- Dawalibi, Maruf, 579
- De Palma, Samuel, 237n
- De Visscher, Charles, 274, 281–282
- Dean, Patrick Henry, 510, 730
- Defense, U.S. Department of:
- Dhahran Airfield. See under Saudi Arabia.
- Dhahran–Riyadh Railroad, 348
- Dhofar, 225–226
- Dihigo, Ernesto, 274
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 510, 730
- al–Din, Abd al–Baqi Nizam, 675–676
- Dixon, Pierson, 246n
- Dodds–Parker, Arthur D., 365, 393
- Dorman, John, 163n, 509n, 510, 707n, 720, 721n, 730
- Dorsey, Stephen P., 249, 250n, 529n
- Douglas, James H., 290
- Dubai, 355
- Duce, Terry, 281–282, 355, 503–505, 749
- Duke, Charles Beresford, 4–5, 12n, 22, 26–28, 59
- Dulles, Allen, 212, 236, 281–282, 447, 481n, 486n, 651, 702, 761–762
- Dulles, John Foster, 34n, 230n, 231n, 481n, 706n
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 21, 179–180, 443–444, 542n
- Arab nationalism, 202–203, 447
- Arab States, 447, 468, 476–477
- Baghdad Pact, 5, 517–518
- Bandung Conference, 526n
- Buraimi dispute, 281, 289n, 291–293, 301–302, 327–328, 351–352, 363, 388–389, 392–393
- Egypt, 146, 378–379, 441–442
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 103, 105–106, 108–109, 743
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 122
- Iraq, 43–45, 52–53, 56, 520–521, 529, 544n, 663–664, 683, 694–696
- Israel, 104, 118n, 122, 337, 646–650, 662n, 690–691
- Jordan, 43–45, 52–53, 56, 73–74, 76–77, 104, 152–154, 163
- Baghdad Pact, 5, 517–518
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 103, 105–106, 108–109
- Political situation, 19–20, 26n, 41–42, 98, 104, 109, 161–164
- United States, relations with, 6–7, 15–16, 40–41, 83, 698–699
- U.S. military and economic aid to, 67n, 72–79, 128, 132–134, 139n, 144, 146, 147n, 148–149, 155–156, 158–159, 636
- U.S. policy toward, 12, 102–103, 105–106, 108–115, 117, 167–168
- Kuwait, 487n, 488n
- Lebanon, 172–173, 207n, 220, 659, 696–697, 710–714
- Middle East, 29–30, 49–50, 221, 309, 404, 470–471, 622n, 685–688, 689n, 733–734
- Muscat and Oman, 225–226, 227n, 229, 236, 240–242, 247–248
- Overseas bases, 381–382
- Pakistan, 152–154
- Saudi Arabia:
- Anticommunism, 263–264, 273–274, 418, 500–501
- Dhahran Airfield, 296–297, 306–307, 395–399, 415–416, 419, 435
- France, relations with, 474–475
- Israel, relations with, 501
- Jordan, relations with, 76–77, 163
- Syrian political situation, 645, 660
- United States, relations with, 322, 333, 351, 417, 420–421, 423, 431–432, 437–440, 473–474, 482, 645
- U.S. economic aid to, 435–436, 446, 494–496
- U.S. military aid to, 272–273, 275–277, 279–280, 370–371, 389–392, 410–411, 433–435, 446, 464, 467, 470–472, 494–496, 501–502
- Soviet Union, 219n, 642, 687, 702, 704–705
- State Department communication systems, 638n, 651
- Syria, 517–518, 541, 645–651, 653n, 663–664, 683, 690–691, 694–699
- Iraq, relations with, 520–521, 529, 544n
- Political situation, 524–525, 545–546, 579, 591–593, 612–613, 619, 746–747
- Soviet Union, relations with, 551–552, 561, 566n, 567, 574, 641–642, 687–688
- Turkey, relations with, 725, 726n, 727
- United States, relations with, 442–443, 639, 744
- U.S. military and economic aid to, 516–517, 542n, 546–547, 551–552, 569, 573
- Turkey:
- United Kingdom:
- Buraimi dispute, 222–223, 301–302, 388–389, 392–393
- Muscat and Oman, 231–233, 239, 243–247
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 281, 327–328, 332, 338, 362–364, 396–397, 474–475, 502, 510n, 511n
- Syrian political situation, 647–648, 680–682, 689–690, 732–733
- United States, relations with, 29–30, 304n, 313n, 329, 334, 365–366, 377, 404, 510–512, 647–648, 680–682, 689–690, 732–733
- Yemen, 750–752, 754–755, 761, 766–767, 770–773
- Dunn, William C., 583n
- Eagleton, William L., 198n
- Eban, Abba, 118n, 121–122, 648–649, 691
- Ed–Din, Niyam, 101
- Eden, Anthony, 2n, 6, 15n, 21
- Effendi, Muhammed, 325–326, 358, 385–387
- Egypt (see also
Egyptian–Syrian–Saudi (ESS) Pact; Gaza Strip; Suez Canal crisis):
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 498–499
- Arab League Collective Security Pact participation, 1
- Arab nationalism, 6, 202–203, 442, 487, 746n
- Aswan Dam, 74, 668
- Communist influence in, 176–177, 203, 206, 209
- Czech military aid to (see also Soviet bloc military aid to below), 13, 177n, 187, 278, 577, 662
- Gaza Strip, 428–429
- Iraq, relations with, 525
- Israel, relations with, 5, 441–442
- Jordan, relations with, 2, 55, 59, 68, 70, 84, 89
- Lebanon, relations with, 177, 178, 183n
- Middle East, role in, 145
- Persian Gulf sheikhdoms, relations with, 753
- Saudi Arabiagh, relations with, 29, 231, 337, 351–352, 365, 367, 386–387, 415, 572
- Soviet bloc military aid to (see also Czech military aid to above), 6, 124, 177, 187, 206, 278
- Soviet military aid to, 6, 201, 273,
420, 435, 545, 596–597, 668
- Iraqi position, 543
- Soviet Union, relations with, 168,
441, 545
- Saudi position, 427
- Syria, relations with, 145, 508, 525, 566, 577, 580, 593–595
- United Kingdom, relations with, 21, 377
- U.N. voting record, 578
- United States, relations with, 18, 50, 65, 146, 162, 429–430, 441–442, 667–669
- 1953 assurances, 713–714
- U.S.–British discussions, 567
- U.S. military and economic aid to, 171, 195, 476–477, 668
- Yemen, relations with, 363, 378, 753, 763
- Egyptian–Syrian–Saudi (ESS)
Pact (see also
Egypt; Saudi Arabia;
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 41, 190
- Baghdad Pact, opposition to, 41, 224, 518
- British position, 313
- Formation of, 518
- Iraq, 44n, 52, 519n
- Jordan, military and economic aid to, 11–12, 30, 31, 37–38, 40, 58, 78–80, 85, 87, 313
- Jordan, relations with, 2, 4, 25, 36, 38, 41, 43, 46n
- Lebanese participation, 189–190, 191n
- Saudi participation, 224
- Soviet Union, relations with, 41, 313
- Syria, 520n, 523n, 527, 566
- U.S. position, 43, 520–522
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 19, 456, 596, 648n, 651
- Arab heads of state meeting, 423, 468n
- Arab oil boycott proposal, 403–404
- Egypt, 168, 429, 486
- Eisenhower Doctrine (see also separate entry), 108–109, 195n, 196, 205, 422, 609–610
- Iraq, 686
- Israel, 211, 430, 662n
- Joint Congressional Resolution, Jan. 1955, 598n
- Jordan, 6–7, 59, 87n, 103, 108–109, 113–115, 130–131, 212, 686, 699n
- Lebanon, 176, 179–180, 204, 206–209, 212, 217, 659
- Middle East, 49, 119, 145, 204–205, 215, 221, 342–343, 470–471
- Muscat and Oman, 226–227, 230–231, 236, 238n, 239n, 240–242, 244, 246
- Mutual Security Act, 199n
- Saudi Arabia, 336, 354n, 368n, 405, 417–418, 421,
439, 506–507
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 407, 428–429, 499n
- Dhahran Airfield, 299–300, 369, 373, 380, 382, 389, 415, 419
- Economic development, 425–426
- Iran, relations with, 426–427
- Saud visit, 374–375, 405–406, 413, 445–449, 478n, 481–485, 505, 612
- Soviet Union, relations with, 427
- Syria, relations with, 500
- United Kingdom, relations with, 319, 334–338, 340, 396, 510n, 511n
- U.S. military aid to, 370, 408n, 424–425, 466–467
- Syria, 429, 486, 594, 632n, 744
- Syrian crisis, 635, 640, 645, 653n, 659–660, 670n, 680–681, 715n, 732–733
- Turkey, 693n
- United Kingdom, 304, 308, 313–314, 329–333, 336, 444–445, 670n, 680–681, 682n, 732–733
- Yemen, 754–755, 762
- Eisenhower, Maj. John S. D., 645
- Eisenhower Doctrine (see also Middle East: U.S. military and economic aid to), 195n
- Egyptian position, 197, 668
- Iraqi position, 643
- Jordanian position, 84, 91, 123
- Lebanese position, 196–197, 202, 205, 209
- And neutralism, 220
- Propaganda, 716–717
- Saudi position, 422, 489–490
- Syrian position, 197, 609–610, 620, 624, 627–628, 631, 742, 744
- Turkish position, 643
- U.S. policy toward Jordan, 85, 93, 103, 105–106, 108–109, 115–116, 119, 122, 168
- U.S. policy toward Lebanon, 198, 208, 215, 219–221
- U.S. policy toward Saudi Arabia, 418–419, 422, 489–490
- U.S. policy toward Syria, 620–622, 624, 627–628, 631, 646, 650–651, 692–693, 695, 697–699, 713, 741–744
- U.S. policy toward Turkey, 700
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 81n, 304, 397n, 706n, 725n
- Emmerson, John K., 177n, 178n, 179–180, 183–184, 186n
- Engen, Hans, 739
- Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI), 586
- Eritrea, 753
- Erskine, 94–95
- Esenbel, Melih, 644, 653, 656, 723n, 724n
- Eshkol, Levi, 631
- ESS Pact. See Egyptian–Syrian–Saudi (ESS) Pact.
- Ethiopia, 753
- Evans, Allan, 449
- Evans, Delaven, 359
- Export–Import Bank, 255, 446, 457, 480, 570–572, 753
- Fahd ibn Saud, Prince, 96, 417, 431, 445, 481
- Faisal II, King, 43, 367, 373, 406n, 656–658, 671–673, 683
- Faisal ibn al–Aziz ibn Abd al–Rahman
al–Faisal al Saud, 261–263, 311
- China, People’s Republic of, 261–262
- Iraq, 349–350
- Israel, 507
- Jordan, 111–112, 131, 132n, 134, 153
- United Kingdom, 282, 294–295, 307n, 335–336, 365, 393, 396
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 260, 267n, 296–297, 298n, 373–374, 389, 402
- U.S.–Saudi relations, 253, 255n, 256–257, 270–271, 287–288, 302n, 303n, 387, 505–507
- al–Fansa, Nazir, 540, 558, 560n
- al–Faqih, Sheik Asad, 257–259, 296, 299n, 300n, 413, 488n, 489n, 727
- Farhan, Hamad, 157
- Farouk, King, 27n, 576n
- Farsi and Arabi Islands, 425, 427, 437–438, 444, 472–473
- Fawzi, Mahmoud, 420n, 529n, 728–729, 738–739, 745
- Field, Col. Fred, 359
- Finn, Richard B., 192n
- Follis, Ralph Gwin, 331, 337
- Food and Agricultural Organization, 366
- Foster, Austin T., 264n, 271, 368n
- Foster Wheeler Company, 571, 586
- Fox, Lt. Gen. Alonzo P., 359
- France (see also Suez Canal crisis), 46, 182, 207, 247, 624
- Frank, Isaiah, 510, 730
- Frechtling, Louis E., 542n, 546n, 558n
- Fritzlan, A. David, 56n, 249, 254n, 257n, 259n, 393, 395n
- Fulbright, James W., 668, 743
- Funkhouser, Richard, 719
- Furnas, Howard E., 487n
- Gabier, Walter S., 748–749, 751, 756
- Gallman, Waldemar J., 49n, 96n
- Gamon, David L., 237n
- Gargoni, Khalid, 269–271, 273, 278
- Garran, Isham Peter, 689
- Gay, Merrill C., 249, 264n, 456
- Gaza Strip, 176, 428–429, 443, 448–449, 521
- Geneva Conference, 268
- George, Walter F., 343
- Geren, Paul F., 317n, 378n
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 122
- el–Ghazzi, Said, 11, 183, 541n, 546n, 554, 560n, 566, 570
- Gleason, S. Everett, 606–607, 701–704
- Glubb, Lt. Gen. John Bagot, 10, 19, 22, 47
- Goodkind, Louis W., 334
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 130n, 285n, 404, 406n, 414–415, 645, 662n, 670n, 685–689
- Gordon, Thomas S., 635
- Graves, Hubert Ashton, 334
- Gray, Gordon, 268n, 334n, 341–342, 369n, 379, 389n, 415, 467, 542n
- Greece, 109, 356, 434
- Green, Theodore F., 635
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 67n, 247, 661n
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 700, 702, 706, 713, 720, 738n
- Grover, Brig. Gen. Orrin L., 255
- Hagerty, James C., 103, 108–109, 327, 329, 334, 341–342, 567, 659, 680, 699n
- Haikal, Mohamed, 664n, 666
- Hamid Ad–Jin, Ahmad bir Yahya Muhammed, 500, 511, 748–749, 751, 757–769, 773n
- Hamilton, Charles W., 728
- Hammarskjold, Dag, 15, 167, 420, 728, 731, 738–739
- Hamui, Mamun, 633, 637n
- Hananiya, Anastas, 130n
- Hancock, William, 359, 386, 395n, 396, 449
- Hare, Raymond A., 260, 270, 356, 545n, 612, 613n, 664–669, 744–746, 747n
- Harkavy, Yehoshafat, 644n
- Hart, Parker T., 170, 173, 174n, 249, 250, 251n, 520n, 524n
- Hasan, Ibrahim, 748–749, 751
- Hasan, Mahmud, 274
- Hashim Bey, Ibrahim, 10n, 17n, 109, 150
- Hawrani, Akram, 525–526, 676
- Hayter, William Goodenough, 159, 510, 730
- Heath, Donald B., 46n, 194
- Hedding, Adm. Truman, 379–381
- Hejaz Railway, 310–312, 349, 353, 369, 373, 577, 582
- Henderson, Loy W., 67n, 159, 232, 342, 496n, 632n, 767n
- Herter, Christian A., 122, 134n, 147n, 445, 481n, 510
- Herzog, Chaim, 662
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 509
- Hill, Robert C., 342
- bin Himyar, Suleiman, 229
- Hiyari, Ali, 34, 94, 100–101, 157
- Hogaboom, Maj. Gen. Robert E., 530n
- Hollister, John B., 147, 411n, 764–765
- Holman, Eugene, 321
- Hood, Samuel, 510, 720, 722, 730
- Hooper, Robin William, 543–545, 548–549
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 20, 34n, 67n, 222n, 287, 309n, 327, 389n, 392n, 417, 431, 445, 597n
- Egypt, 567
- Iraq, 48–49, 349–350
- Jordan, 30–32, 48–49, 51, 66–67, 74–75, 79n
- Kuwait, 169
- Lebanon, 177–178, 193
- Middle East, 60–62, 343, 404
- Saudi Arabia, 254–256, 285–286, 322, 326, 333–334, 336, 347–349, 351, 353, 404
- Syria, 542–543, 550–551, 557–561, 567, 573, 582, 583n, 588–589, 590n, 591n, 607–608
- United Kingdom, 193, 283, 303–304, 305n, 324, 329, 377n, 412–413 [Page 785]
- Hovell, Lt. Col., Bergen B., 530n
- Howe, Fisher, 130n, 481n, 579n, 639n, 652n, 653n, 662n, 670n, 674n, 727n
- Howison, John M., 154n
- Humphrey, George M., 341, 404
- Hungary, 60, 438, 596, 687
- al–Husayni, Jamal, 417, 423n, 431, 445, 481, 508–509, 724
- Hussein, Ahmad, 378n, 745
- Hussein, King, 10, 12n, 83–84, 135, 165
- Arab heads of state meeting, 406n, 421n, 447, 468, 612n
- Baghdad Pact, 2
- Egypt, 379
- Iraq, 17–18, 350, 672
- Jordanian foreign relations, 64, 66–70, 80–81, 111, 112n, 133, 158
- Jordanian political situation, 14, 20–22, 34–38, 41–42, 45–47, 57–58, 60, 64, 89, 123, 124, 156–157, 159–162, 617, 675
- Military and economic aid for Jordan, 3–5, 8–9, 11, 72–79, 86, 127, 129n, 148–149, 155, 158–159
- Middle East, 145
- Saudi Arabia, 133n, 163, 379
- Soviet Union, 718
- Syrian crisis, 636–638, 644, 653–657, 689, 693n, 698, 699n
- Turkey, 673
- United Kingdom, 26–28, 29n, 30–33, 37, 62n, 64
- U.S.–Jordanian relations, 40–41, 110, 112–114, 125, 130–131, 132n, 144n, 164–168, 734
- Hussein, Maj. Amin, 156
- Ibn Saud, King Abdul Aziz, 270n, 305, 307, 333, 384, 475, 711
- Ibrahim, Muhammad, 101
- Iceland, 381
- Ilah, Abdul (Abul Ilah ibn Ali ibn Husain al–Hashimi), 610, 685, 711
- Ilah, Amir Abdul, 35, 143, 466, 549, 556
- India, 78, 225, 262, 440, 578
- Indonesia, 473, 739
- Innab, Maj. Gen. Radi, 27n, 45, 47, 48n
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 102–103, 674n
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD):
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA):
- International Court of Justice, 321
- International Monetary Fund, 456–457, 464
- Iran, 121, 250–251, 356, 425, 427, 434, 437–438, 531, 715
- Iraq:
- Arab League participation, 253n
- British military aid, 124
- Communist Party, 531
- Economic situation, 62–63
- Egypt, relations with, 525
- ESS Pact, 44n, 52, 519n
- Israel, relations with, 52, 55, 119
- Jordan, possible intervention in, 17–18, 25, 90–91, 95, 105, 108
- Jordan, relations with, 2, 19, 38, 41, 65, 69, 96, 103–104, 151, 158,
- British position, 35
- Economic aid, 43–45, 48, 49n
- Israeli position, 96n, 97
- Jordanian political situation, 96, 103–104
- Possible Iraqi intervention, 90–91, 93, 95, 96n, 97, 99, 105, 107–108
- Possible partition of Jordan, 25, 38, 68, 610
- Syrian crisis, 672–673, 683, 685–686, 696n
- Union proposal, 7, 14, 153
- U.S. position, 43–44, 48–49, 68, 70–71, 164
- Lebanon, relations with, 177n, 180
- Muscat and Oman, 247
- Oil industry (see also Iraq Petroleum Company), 128
- Political situation, 35, 145–146, 322, 349, 671, 673, 685, 711, 742
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 96, 145, 318–319, 349–350, 355, 365, 367
- Soviet Union, relations with, 718
- Syria, relations with, 349, 516, 519,
525, 528–529, 536, 575,
592, 656, 671–673
- British position, 21, 548
- Iraqi intervention, possible, 520–522, 523n, 528, 544–545, 548–549, 556, 568, 604–607, 610–613
- Iraqi political intrigue, 527, 530, 555, 569–570
- Oil industry (see also Iraq Petroleum Company), 349, 588–589, 611–612
- Union proposal, 529, 545–546, 679
- U.S. military aid to Iraq, 521, 661, 664, 700–701
- Turkey, relations with, 21, 549, 638, 642–644
- U.N. voting record, 578
- United Kingdom, relations with, 35, 259
- United States, relations with, 39, 42, 110–111, 466
- U.S. economic aid to, 692, 695, 696n
- U.S. military aid to, 52, 56, 182, 194–195, 199, 661, 714
- Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC), 133n, 142
- Israel (see also
Arab–Israeli dispute; Suez
Canal crisis):
- Aqaba, Gulf of, shipping, 116, 120–121, 428, 481n, 490–491, 499, 508–509, 624
- Arab position, 501
- British military aid, 40
- Economic situation, 119, 121–122
- Egypt, relations with, 5
- French military aid, 46, 665
- German Federal Republic, relations with, 122
- Immigration policy, 121, 620, 623, 631
- Iraq, relations with, 52, 55, 119
- Jordan, relations with, 31, 157–158
- Jordan Valley Plan, 25, 99
- Lebanon, relations with, 176–177, 184–185, 211
- Military capabilities, 78n, 165
- Oil industry, 264–265, 271n, 272
- Political situation, 521
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 119, 269, 318, 333, 365, 424–425, 434
- Sinai, withdrawal from, 614
- Soviet policy toward, 648
- Syria, relations with, 525, 536, 555, 648–649
- Tiran and Sanafir Islands, 438, 444
- Tiran Straits shipping, 116, 119–121
- Turkey, relations with, 440
- United Kingdom, relations with, 64
- United States, relations with, 69, 166 [Page 787]
- U.S. forces in, 18
- U.S. military aid to, 40, 45–46, 139n, 185–187, 194, 269, 341n, 360, 501, 559, 649
- U.S. policy toward, 7, 82, 119, 120, 277
- And U.S. Zionism, 394
- Italy, 583, 585–586, 615
- Jabbar, Sheikh Ahmad Abdul, 299n, 300n, 326n, 505
- Jabr, Salih, 35
- al–Jabri, Majd al–Din, 584, 594–595, 599n
- Jackling, Roger William, 510, 730
- Jamali, Muhammed Fadhi, 517n, 671, 673
- Japan, 583
- Jawdat, Ali, 638, 671, 673, 683, 685, 694n, 711–712
- Jenkins, Alfred leSesne, 282–283, 613
- Jennings, Brewster, 271, 272n
- Jernegan, John D., 173, 259n, 263n, 267n, 516n, 517n, 524n, 652, 758
- Jerusalem, 18
- Jeton, Frank, 633
- Johnson, Charles E., 213n
- Johnson, John A., 290
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 635, 700
- Johnston, Eric, 2n, 13, 45, 73, 79–83, 91, 150–152, 160, 494, 534–535
- Johnston Mission, 534–535
- Johnston Plan. See Jordan Valley Plan.
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Joint Strategic Plans Committee, 188–191
- Jones, John Wesley, 510, 730
- Jordan (see also
Arab Legion; Arab States;
and Jordan and Jordanian subentries under other
- Anticommunism, 83–84
- Arab Legion, 15–18, 42–43, 47
- Arab nationalism, 6, 84
- Bedouins, 6, 94–95, 108
- British economic aid to, 38, 58, 66–70, 74, 78, 81, 85, 87, 313
- British military aid to, 2–4, 8, 11, 30n, 31–32, 51, 69, 87, 137
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 64, 66–70
- Communist influence in (see also Soviet intrigue under Political situation below):
- Economic situation, 7, 124, 140, 142–143, 146, 153
- Egypt, relations with, 2, 9, 55, 59, 68, 70, 84, 89
- Egyptian intrigue:
- Egyptian military and economic aid to, 3, 42n, 46, 140–141, 143, 146, 625
- ESS Pact military and economic aid to, 11–12, 30n, 31, 37–38, 40, 58, 78–80, 85, 87, 313
- ESS Pact powers, relations with, 4, 25, 38, 41, 43, 189–190, 191n
- Iraq, relations with, 2, 19, 38, 41, 65, 69, 151, 158, 567 [Page 788]
- Iraqi forces in, 102, 123, 594
- Iraqi intervention, possible, 17–18, 25, 90–91, 95, 105, 108
- Iraqi military and economic aid to:
- Iraqi–Saudi talks, 127–128, 134
- Israel, relations with, 31, 157–158
- Israeli policy toward, 96–97, 99, 104–106, 114–116, 118–122
- Kuwait, relations with, 151
- Lebanon, relations with, 36, 46
- Military situation, 124, 151
- National Guard, 42
- Neutralism, 36–37
- Pakistan, relations with, 4, 153
- Palestinian refugees, 14, 45, 103
- Political situation (see also
Communist influence
Egyptian intrigue
above), 6–7, 9, 10n, 12–13, 33–34, 47, 88–89, 90, 100–102, 163, 192
- Anti–British sentiment, 64
- Arab nationalism, 23, 33, 84, 104
- Army role, 84, 89, 94–95, 98, 108, 160, 162
- Bathiyiin, 84, 90–91, 157
- Bedouin role, 6, 94–95, 108
- British position, 20–22, 24–25, 35, 150–151
- Communist Party, 57–58, 84, 91, 531
- Coup attempt, Apr. 13, 1957, 92
- Dissolution of parliament, 57–58
- Egyptian position, 98, 146
- ESS influence, 38, 41
- Hiyari resignation, 100–101
- Iraqi position, 48n
- Iraqi role, 96, 103–104
- Israeli position, 99, 120
- Jordanian position, 122–123, 130–131
- Lebanese role, 104
- Liberation Party, 157
- Martial law, 106, 109
- Moslem–Christian conflict, 33, 37–38
- National Socialist Party, 90, 101
- Rioting, 9–10, 15–17, 19, 23, 37–38
- Saudi role, 20–21, 24, 96, 99, 102n, 103–104, 313
- Soviet intrigue, 122, 161–162
- Syrian intrigue, 100–101, 104, 108, 111, 113, 122–123, 156, 158–162, 617, 631
- Syrian position, 742
- U.S. position, 103, 106–107, 150–151, 711
- Partition, possible, 25–26, 29, 38, 68–69, 151, 610
- Riyadh–Medina Railroad, 460
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 2, 133n, 158, 318
- Saudi military and economic aid to, 128, 143–144, 146–147
- Saudi forces in, 102–103, 108, 119, 123
- Saudi–Iraqi talks, 127–128, 134
- Soviet bloc military aid to, 42, 46
- Soviet Union, relations with, 6, 11, 40, 59, 64, 66–68, 76, 78–80, 82, 103, 106, 313, 718
- Syria, relations with, 11, 25, 68–69, 78–79, 89, 146
- Syrian forces in, 102, 105, 108, 123, 617
- Syrian military and economic aid to, 140–141, 143, 146, 625, 631
- United Kingdom, relations with (see also British subheadings above), 4n, 5–7, 13–14, 22, 69, 73, 87, 151, 153
- U.N. economic aid to, 7, 13, 38–39, 66, 80
- U.N. role in, 60–61, 167
- United States, relations with, 12, 30–31, 65, 90, 130–131
- Anti– U.S. rioting, 9–10, 15–17, 19, 23, 37–38
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 46
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 85, 93, 103, 105–106, 108–109, 115–116, 119, 122, 168
- Israeli position, 69, 71, 105, 119–120
- Jordanian position, 14, 164–166, 653–654
- Palestinian refugees, 24
- Possible U.S. intervention, 93, 103, 105–106, 108–109, 114–116, 159–161
- Propaganda, 7, 38–39
- Richards Mission, 96, 102, 105, 113, 117–118, 122
- Sixth Fleet deployment, 108, 112, 114, 117, 122
- Syrian crisis, 654–656, 698–699
- Templer Mission, 20, 105
- U.N. statement, 704–705
- U.S. policy, 6–7, 38–39, 68–71, 74–75, 95–96, 110–113, 151, 162
- U.S.–British discussions, 80, 86–88, 93–94, 139, 149–152, 154–155
- U.S. economic aid to, 13, 44, 50, 74–75, 113, 117–118, 129,
132, 134, 140, 153–154
- And British economic aid, 50, 66, 70
- British position, 79n, 83, 88
- Iraqi position, 63n
- Iraqi role, 65, 69–70, 112n, 127, 133–134, 142–145, 147
- Israeli position, 69, 71
- Jordanian position, 59, 61n, 64, 68, 72, 77, 123–124, 127, 130n, 165, 655–656
- Off–shore procurement, 143–144
- Richards Mission, 133n
- Saudi position, 112n
- Saudi role, 73, 133–134
- Syrian position, 624–625
- Technical assistance, 39, 85
- Turkish position, 89
- U.S. position, 74, 76, 78, 80–82, 85–86, 125, 144–147, 167–168
- U.S. military aid to, 3, 7–8, 56, 66, 72, 113, 117, 128–130, 152,
501, 661, 714
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 64–65
- Baghdad Pact, 4n, 5
- Conditions for, 476–477
- Equipment, 3, 148–149, 155–156, 158
- Iraqi position, 51, 55, 59
- Iraqi role, 52, 54, 56, 65, 69, 127, 136–137
- Israeli position, 155n, 156n, 636
- Jordanian position, 46, 61n, 124, 165, 655
- Off–shore procurement, 137–138
- Saudi role, 73, 127, 136–137
- Syrian crisis, 654, 661, 664, 714, 733–734
- Training, 149
- U.S. position, 40, 46, 82, 85, 125, 132–141
- U.S. missionaries in, 38
- Western orientation of, 1, 55, 80, 95, 157, 192
- Yarmuk River, 85
- Jordan Valley Plan, 2n, 7, 13, 15, 23, 25, 99, 171, 177, 535–536
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 582
- al–Kallas, Khalil, 594–595
- Karam, Georges, 179, 180n
- Kayyali, Ghalib, 610n, 622n, 626–628
- Kellogg Company, 586
- Kelly, Thomas R., 249
- Kern, Harry, 299n, 326n
- al–Khalidi, Fakhri Husayn, 90n, 95, 100–101, 104, 109
- al–Khalidi, Rasim, 456–457
- al–Khayyal, Sheikh Abdullah, 361–362, 393–394, 456, 458, 461, 468, 481, 505
- Khouri, Victor A., 181–182, 184–185, 220, 524–525
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 278, 351, 687–688, 707
- al–Khuri, Fans, 514–515
- King, Gen. Richard, 359
- Kirk, Roger, 37n, 392n, 396n, 597n
- Kirkbride, Alec S., 32n
- Kirkpatrick, Ivone A., 28–29, 223–225, 301n, 304, 307–308
- Knowland, William F., 343, 635, 688, 700
- Korea, 485
- Kotob, Anwar, 626n
- al–Koudsi, Nazim, 594
- Kuneralp, Zeki, 693n
- Kuwait, 151, 169, 315, 339, 355, 426–427, 487
- Kuwait Oil Company, 169
- Kuwatly. See al–Quwatli, Shukri.
- Laboulaye, François de, 605
- Lahud, Salim, 178n
- Lakeland, Albert A., Jr., 191n, 753–754, 771n
- Lang, William, 359
- Larson, Arthur, 715n
- Laskey, Dennis Seward, 73, 510, 730
- Lathram, L. Wade, 456, 464n, 480n
- Lavrentyev, Anatoliy Iosifovich, 269
- Lawson, Edward B., 97n, 99, 115–116, 118n, 119
- Lebanon (see also
Arab States; Lebanon and
Lebanese subheadings under other subjects):
- Arab nationalism, 202–203
- British military aid to, 178, 182, 193, 199n
- Christians in, 172
- Communism in, 183, 201, 209, 531
- Egypt, relations with, 177, 178, 183n
- ESS Pact, 189–190, 191n
- French military aid to, 182
- Iraq, relations with, 177n, 180
- Israel, relations with, 176–177, 184–185, 211
- Jordan, relations with, 36, 46
- Jordan Valley Plan, 171, 177
- Middle East regional defense, 172, 174–175, 309
- Military capabilities, 190
- Oil industry, 180, 709
- Palestinian refugees, 187–188
- Political situation, 172, 177–178, 201, 206, 211, 219, 313
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 508
- Soviet bloc military aid to, 189–190
- Soviet Union, relations with, 187, 201
- Syria, relations with, 177n, 178, 183, 186, 210–211, 709
- U.N. voting record, 578
- United States, relations with, 39, 175–176, 204–207
- U.S. economic aid to, 170n, 171, 173, 187, 192, 195–196, 198–200, 208–213, 215, 219
- U.S. forces in, 108
- U.S. military aid to, 188, 190–193, 212, 215–216, 220,
501, 546–547, 550–551
- And Arab–Israeli dispute, 170n, 176, 179–180, 184–187, 199
- Baghdad Pact, 3
- British position, 178
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 198
- Israeli position, 649
- Lebanese position, 170–172, 174–176, 181, 183, 186, 200–202, 207, 209, 219
- Syrian crisis, 638, 697, 733
- U.S. position, 173–174, 179–180, 182–185, 188–191, 194–195, 210–211, 217–218, 540–543
- U.S. policy toward, 196–197, 213–215
- Western orientation of, 171–172, 181, 189, 200, 202
- Leishman, Frederick John, 510, 730
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 701
- Libya, 109, 307, 346, 381–382, 460, 656
- Liebesny, Herbert J., 234n, 498n
- Lightner, E. Allen, Jr., 379, 632n
- Lilienthal, Alfred, 394
- Lindsay, Maj. Gen. Richard C., 290
- Lister, Ernest A., 334
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 20–21, 29, 73–76, 79n, 94, 159–160, 509–510
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 246–247, 414, 724–725, 728–731, 739–740
- Loutfi, Omar, 739
- Luce, Henry Robinson, 262n
- Lucet, Charles E., 605
- Lummus Company, 583, 586, 589–590
- McAfee, William, 102, 487n
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 70, 315, 327, 329, 334, 351–352, 370, 377n, 382, 404, 567
- McCardle, Carl W., 16, 334n
- McGuire, E. Perkins, 379–382
- McKinnon, Robert A., 652n
- Macmillan, Harold M., 87n, 137, 178, 304n, 681, 749
- Macomber, William B., 73, 196n, 313n, 375n, 472n, 561n, 700n
- McSweeney, John M., 664
- Mahayri, Issam, 538n
- Mahdi, Mohammad, 275, 361, 393
- Main, Charles T., 171n
- al–Majali, Haza, 9–10, 57, 101, 127–128
- Majid, Abdul Aziz, 431, 468, 481
- Makins, Roger M., 17, 20, 285n, 327, 392n
- Malik, Charles, 179, 192, 200–203, 387, 511, 526n
- Malki, Col. Adnan, 523–525, 527, 538, 564, 630
- Mallory, Lester D., 49–50, 55–56, 67n, 83n, 124
- Baghdad Pact, 1–2, 8–9
- Jordan:
- Arab States, relations with, 45–47
- Foreign aid to, 2–5, 11–12, 31, 42n, 80–81, 127
- Iraq, relations with, 44, 90
- Political situation, 10, 12–17, 21–23, 32–34, 36, 41, 88–91, 100–102, 122–123, 156–158, 160
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 133n, 699n
- United States, relations with, 6–7, 130n, 131n, 164–166
- U.S. economic aid to, 59, 61n, 64–67, 72–73, 75n, 78n, 79n, 85–86, 125
- U.S. military aid to, 59, 85, 112, 125, 132n, 152, 155n, 158, 165–166
- Soviet Union, 705n
- Syrian crisis, 636, 699n
- United Kingdom, 26–28, 61n, 72
- Mannesman Company, 615
- Mansfield, Mike, 688, 700
- Markham, Comdr. Richard, 359
- Martin, Maj. James, 359
- Massoud, Muhammed, 352, 391n, 399n, 431, 449
- Mead, Maj. Gen. Armistead D., 701
- Mediterranean Refining Company, 180
- Meir, Golda, 97n, 115–116, 118n, 119
- Menderes, Adnan, 168
- Merchant, Livington T., 20, 327, 329, 334, 510, 567, 730
- Metzger, Stanley D., 210n
- Middle East (see also individual
- Arab nationalism in, 197, 202–203, 206, 447, 666–667
- British military aid to, 195, 541
- British policy toward, 18–19, 29, 36, 49–50, 137, 207, 570, 631
- Chinese People’s Republic policy toward, 642
- Communist influence in, 14, 75, 201–203, 418, 420
- Egyptian role in, 111n, 145, 202, 570
- European military aid to, 195
- French policy toward, 49, 207, 631
- Jordanian role in, 97, 108
- Lebanese role in, 214
- Neutralism in, 14, 268, 666
- NATO role in, 692–693
- Oil industry, 403, 496–497, 504, 584, 590
- Regional defense (see also Northern Tier defense organization), 170n, 172, 174–175, 309, 688
- Saudi role in, 351, 405, 432, 445
- Soviet military aid to, 206, 687
- Soviet policy toward, 7, 60, 268, 278, 531, 561, 642, 655, 666–667, 732
- Syrian role in, 556, 712
- Turkish role in, 655
- U.N. economic aid to, 631
- U.S.–British relations, 366–368, 659
- U.S. military and economic aid to (see also Eisenhower Doctrine), 342–343, 541, 559, 624–625, 689n
- U.S. policy toward (see also Eisenhower Doctrine), 49, 60, 204, 207, 213, 432, 556, 666–667, 704–705, 711–712
- West, distrust of, 201–202
- Middle East Doctrine. See Eisenhower Doctrine.
- Middle East Emergency Committee, 403–404, 703–704, 707
- Miller, Elliot H., 249
- Miner, Robert Graham, 653–658, 670–673, 696n
- Mishaal, Prince, 267n, 276n, 287, 325–326, 357, 387
- Moline, Edwin G., 412
- Mollet, Guy, 404, 445
- Molloy, Col. Robert W., 537n, 540n, 546, 563n, 565n, 633, 660
- Moose, James S., Jr.:
- Middle East, 568, 717n
- Syria, 537n,
572, 587, 609–610, 622–623, 634,
- Iraq, relations with, 515, 529, 610–612
- Oil pipeline, 594–595, 599–600, 607n, 608n
- Political situation, 515, 517n, 519–520, 523n, 525–528, 537–539, 553–557, 562–564, 613n, 618
- Soviet Union, relations with, 546n, 596–597
- United States, relations with, 523–524, 540–542, 558n, 565n, 620–623, 625–632, 635, 742
- U.S. military aid to, 547–548, 558n, 559, 560n, 566
- Morgan, Thomas E., 635
- Morocco, 244, 381, 629, 656
- Morris, Willie, 8, 20, 92, 94, 327, 329, 510, 567, 689, 720, 730
- Morton, Thruston B., 342
- al–Mufti, Said, 9, 47, 57, 90, 100, 157
- Mumtaz, Ali, 671
- Murphy, Robert D., 67n, 134n, 237n, 238n, 254n, 268n, 334, 342, 370, 375, 377n, 379, 381–382, 387n, 404, 472n, 478n, 480n, 510, 661n, 725
- Musaad, 417, 431, 445, 481
- Muscat and Oman (see also
Buraimi dispute):
- Arab position, 238
- British position, 223–227, 234, 236–241, 244–247
- Egyptian role, 227, 232, 235
- Iraqi position, 244, 247
- Oil industry, 226n, 227n, 230–231, 236
- Press coverage, 226n, 227n
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 223–225, 227, 229, 232–236, 244
- Soviet role in, 235, 247
- Syrian role in, 235
- United Kingdom, relations with, 314, 331, 487
- U.N. role, 237–242, 244–248
- United States, relations with, 225–226
- U.S.–British cooperation, 222–223, 228–231, 236, 238–240, 243–246
- U.S. position, 231–232, 236
- Mutual Defense Act, 1949, 265n
- Mutual Security Act, 1954, 135–137, 139, 191n, 199, 210n
- al–Nabulsi, Sulayman, 57n, 72–79, 84, 86, 88–89, 98, 100, 124, 617
- al–Namlah, Muhammad, 449
- Nasser, Gamal Abd’al, 27n, 49–50, 111n, 125, 146, 444, 567, 570, 678, 763
- Arab heads of state meeting, 421n, 447, 468, 612n
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 14–15
- Arab nationalism, 55, 84, 104, 145, 151, 202, 207, 273, 414
- Baghdad Pact, 5
- Czechoslovakia, 278
- Israel, 46n
- Jordan, 18, 28, 38, 41, 112–117, 120, 142, 157, 159, 162, 168
- Lebanon, 194
- Muscat and Oman, 227, 230, 236
- Saudi Arabia, 351–352, 377–378, 403, 409, 429, 572
- Soviet Union, 6, 427, 441, 545, 596, 713
- Suez oil pipeline, 504
- Syria, 445, 519, 578, 607n, 608n, 675–676, 744–745
- Syrian crisis, 639, 643, 656, 662, 671, 673
- United Kingdom, 2n, 21
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 65, 274, 298, 442, 714
- Yemen, 750
- Nasser, Sheriff, 89, 160
- National City Bank, 572
- National Intelligence Advisory Committee, 189
- National Intelligence Estimates, NIE 30–57, 486–488
- National Security Council:
- Nègre, André, 516n
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 225, 262
- Nelson, Harold S., 84, 124
- Nemtchina, Sergi S., 611
- Newsom, David D., 111n, 128n, 133n, 222n, 263n, 265n, 267n, 271n, 272n, 278n, 285n, 291n, 296n, 301n, 302n, 305n, 306n, 309n, 347n, 349n, 363n, 364n, 370n, 378n, 389n, 395n, 396n, 410n, 464n, 478n, 494n, 511n, 545n, 588n, 727n, 751n, 752n, 764n, 771n
- Nickerson, Albert, 264
- al–Nimr, Abd al–Halim, 90
- Nixon, Richard M., 413
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 733–734
- North Africa, 46, 300, 655
- North Atlantic Council, 706, 707n, 709n
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 7, 174, 161, 672–673
- Northern Tier defense organization, 7, 157, 516, 555, 561
- Norway, 739
- Nowfel, Camille, 468, 481, 505
- Nuwar, Maj. Gen. Ali Abu, 34n, 47, 48n, 59–61, 68, 617
- Ohliger, Floyd, 406
- Oil industry:
- Aden Protectorates, 286
- And Arab nationalism, 14
- British interests, 226n, 227n, 230–231, 323, 487, 496–497
- Buraimi dispute, 286, 335
- Dhofar, 225–226
- Egyptian position, 309
- Farsi and Arabi Islands, 438
- Iran, 250–251
- Iraq, 128
- Iraq Petroleum Company, 133n, 142
- Israel, 264–267, 271–272
- Kuwait, 169, 487n
- Labor problems, 310
- Lebanon, 180, 709
- Muscat and Oman, 226, 227n, 230–231, 236
- Persian Gulf sheikdoms, 310, 315, 323, 487
- Saudi Arabia, 258, 264–267, 323–324, 328–330, 348, 405,
432, 503–505
- Israel boycott demand, 264–265, 271n, 272
- Labor problems, 310
- Onassis agreement, 249–252, 259
- Revenues from, 293, 319, 321, 332–334, 337, 347–348, 492, 549
- Syrian refinery construction, 588–589
- U.S. interests, 309, 320, 375–377
- Western boycott proposal, 403–404
- Western interests, 317n, 375–377, 496–497, 584, 590
- Socony Mobil, 250, 264–267, 271n, 272
- Standard Oil Company, 271n, 321, 331, 337, 571, 582–585, 769–770
- Suez Canal crisis, 403, 419, 607, 707
- Suez pipline, 504
- Syria (see also Iraq Petroleum Company above), 585
- TAPLINE, 71, 180, 503n, 504, 585, 599
- Western boycott proposal, 403–404
- Western interests, 317n, 375–377, 496–497, 584, 590
- Yemen, 756
- O’Keefe, Brig. Gen. Richard J., 359
- Oman. See Muscat and Oman.
- Omar, Caliph, 362
- Onassis agreement, 249–252, 259
- Onassis, Aristotle Socrates, 249n, 250, 503
- Operations Coordinating Board, 213–215, 415, 530–537, 562, 703
- Oulashin, Eric E., 392n, 396n, 472n
- Owen, Maj. Edwin B., 359, 449
- Page, Howard, 582, 583n, 584
- Pahlavi, Shah Mohammed Riza, 270, 427
- Pakistan, 4, 153, 400, 440, 473
- Palestinian refugees, 14, 24, 45, 103
- Parker, Richard B., 86–88, 117n, 118, 148n, 161n
- Parkes, Roderick W., 332, 335, 363n, 365, 393
- Parsons, Marselis C., 412, 510, 730
- Perkins, George W., 706n, 707
- Persian Gulf, 438, 491
- Persian Gulf sheikhdoms:
- Petroleum Refinery Institute (Syria), 370–371, 583
- Philby, St. John, 358
- Philippines, 247
- Phillips, Horace, 287, 340, 341n
- Phleger, Herman, 342, 404, 559
- Poland, 310–312, 353, 577
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 334
- Procon Ltd., 588–590, 615–617
- Public Roads, U.S. Bureau of, 772
- Qatar, 280n, 310, 331, 396, 487
- Quarles, Donald, 290–291, 380, 382, 467, 651, 685
- al–Quwatli, Shukri, 312, 406n, 408n, 579–580, 596, 612n
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 103, 191n, 334, 379–380, 383–385, 597–598
- Rafiq Arif, Maj. Gen. Amir Al–Liwa Muhammad, 658, 671, 673
- al–Rahim, Sgt. Younis Abd, 523
- Ralph M. Parsons Company, 571, 583, 589–590
- Ras al–Khaima, 355
- al–Rawi, Abduljalil, 520n, 523n, 610
- Rawi, Najib, 387
- Raymond, John M., 210n
- Reams, Robert B., 632n, 640
- Red Sea, 753, 770
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 710
- Richards, James P., 113, 117, 133, 622n, 661, 755, 764
- Richards Mission, 87–88, 133n, 439, 480, 622, 757–762, 764
- Rifa’i, Abdul Monem, 16, 21–26, 30–31, 88–89
- al–Rifai, Samir, 17, 26, 33, 47, 166
- Rimawi, Ba Thi, 90, 91, 101, 120, 161
- Riyadh–Medina Railroad, 457, 460–461
- Roberts, Randolph, 570
- Robertson, Reuben B., 334, 379, 381, 404, 466–467
- Rockwell, Stuart W., 49n, 52n, 61n, 74n, 83n, 154n, 158n, 164n, 193n, 195n, 198n, 199n, 219n, 500n, 607n, 612n, 614n, 636n, 637n, 646n, 663n, 690n, 691n, 694n, 696n, 698n, 706n, 707n, 723n, 746n
- Roosevelt, Archibald, 640, 653n
- Roosevelt, Kermit, 761
- Roper, John Charles Abercromby, 510, 730
- Rose, Michael, 9
- Rountree, William M., 31n, 34n, 41n, 43n, 44n, 48n, 51n, 52n, 56n, 57n, 60n, 61n, 66n, 74n, 76n, 83n, 95n, 117n, 128n, 129n, 133n, 148n, 161n, 167n, 184n, 191n, 193n, 301n, 329, 349n, 363n, 453n,
494n, 511n, 569n, 579n, 588n, 591n, 607n, 612n, 619n, 636n, 645n, 647n, 648n, 650n, 652n, 661n, 663n, 670n, 685n, 690n, 691n, 694, 696n, 698n, 715n,
725n, 727n, 746n, 750n, 766n, 771n
- Israel, 118, 120–122, 499n
- Jordan, 30n, 67n, 98–99, 104–105, 118, 120, 134–139, 140n, 143, 145n, 146–147, 153
- Lebanon, 216–217, 220
- Middle East, 194–196, 659–660
- Saudi Arabia, 351, 370–371, 374–375, 404, 414–415, 417, 431, 445, 454n, 468, 481, 499n, 503n, 505
- State Department communications systems, 651
- Syria, 567, 573–574, 588–591, 613n, 614–617, 740–744
- Syrian crisis, 632–635, 637n, 639–640, 659–660, 685, 688, 718, 720–722, 730–731, 735–737
- United Kingdom, 20, 80, 247, 315, 317, 319, 327, 329, 364, 366–368, 510–511, 689, 770
- Yemen, 473, 752, 761, 769–770
- Rowan, Thomas Leslie, 20, 327, 329, 334, 567
- Rumania, 578
- Russell, Francis H., 273n, 315
- Ryan, Andrew, 280n
- al–Sabah, Abdullah al–Salim, 169
- Sabri, Capt., 449
- al–Sabri, Ali, 746
- Sadat, Anwar, 176
- Al bu Said, Said ibn Taimur, Sultan, 274, 392:
- al–Said, Gen. Nuri Pasha, 35
- Baghdad Pact, 19, 258, 409
- Iraqi political situation, 62n, 145–146, 671, 673, 683, 685, 711–713
- Jordan, 21, 42–45, 48–49, 63, 107, 110, 112–113, 117, 144
- Muscat and Oman, 244
- Saudi Arabia, 322, 349, 367
- Soviet Union, 552, 711–712
- Syria, 543–546, 548–549, 551n, 552–553, 557, 569–570, 579, 588–589, 603–604, 606–607, 670
- United Kingdom, 82–83, 259
- Salah, Walid, 1
- Salim, Maj. Salaheddin Moustafa, 172, 518
- Samuel, Ian, 20, 317, 321, 327, 329, 334, 567
- Sanafir Islands, 438, 444
- Sandys, Duncan, 444–445
- Sanger, Richard H., 160
- Sarraj, Col. Abd al–Hamid, 523, 599n, 602, 640, 676–677, 679
- Satterthwaite, Livingstone, 530n
- Saud, King ibn Abd al–Aziz, 43, 258, 262n, 336, 675, 711
- Anticommunism, 206, 261–264, 273–274, 301n, 418, 439, 688
- Arab heads of state meeting, 406n, 421n, 423, 447, 468, 612n
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 407–408, 420, 428–429, 438, 443–444, 474, 490–491, 499n
- Arab nationalism, 447, 688
- Baghdad Pact, 439–440
- Buraimi dispute, 286–288, 291–292, 294–295, 314, 321, 339n, 363, 388, 392
- China, People’s Republic of, 261–262
- Dhahran Airfield, 296–297, 298–300, 306, 369, 372–373, 379–380, 382, 384–386, 395n, 396n, 397–398, 399–403, 419, 435
- Egypt, 351–352, 378n, 429, 441–442, 486
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 408n, 422, 628
- France, 409
- Iran, 426–427, 437–438
- Iraq, 322, 349–350, 367, 671–673
- Jordan, 73, 84, 98, 112–117, 124, 131, 142, 163
- Middle East, 145, 508–509
- Muscat and Oman, 227–229, 232–233, 235, 241, 244, 497
- Oil industry, 264–265, 271–272, 504
- Saudi economic development, 311–312, 425–426, 435–436, 477–478, 485, 495
- Soviet Union, 267, 269–272, 427
- Syria, 429, 442–443, 578, 580, 636–637, 660
- Syrian political situation, 486, 500, 572, 592, 612–613, 638, 645, 654–656, 658, 718
- Syrian–Turkey relations, 724, 726n, 727–728, 731, 735, 737
- Truman Doctrine, 408n
- United Kingdom:
- U.S.–Israeli relations, 430
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 211, 260, 266, 279, 343n, 353, 356–360, 368n, 370–371, 389–392, 409–411
- U.S.–Saudi relations, 325–326, 405, 417, 421, 431–432, 489, 492, 506–507
- Visit to the United States, 326, 368n, 374–375, 404–406, 413–415, 445–449, 469–470, 481–484, 612
- Yemen, 750–751, 753–754, 761–763
- Saud ibn Jilewi, Amir, 283–284, 285n
- Saudi Arabia (see also
Arab States; Arabian–American
Oil Company; Buraimi dispute; Egyptian–Syrian–Saudi (ESS) Pact; and Saudi subheadings
under other subjects):
- Anti–Western orientation, 320–321, 326
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 116, 481n, 498–499, 508–509
- Arab nationalism, 309, 317n, 374
- Bedouins, 425
- British military and economic aid to, 66, 87, 424–425
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 261–264
- Communist influence in, 177, 309, 317n
- Dammam Harbor, 460
- Dhahran Airfield, 255–256, 268, 271–272, 296,
300, 303n, 306,
309, 374, 385–386, 387n, 391, 397–399, 401, 416,
419, 469–470
- Air training program, 253, 255, 291, 299, 346, 360, 395, 398, 410–411, 479
- Airport terminal, 346, 369, 395, 398, 410, 455, 462, 479, 495–496
- Buraimi dispute, 282
- Cash payment, 346, 382, 387n
- Civilian airline proposal, 382
- Dulles memorandum, 477–479
- Egyptian position, 390
- Exchange of notes, 488
- Joint communiqué, 483
- Saudi position, 251, 267n, 270, 278n, 279n, 288, 298, 353–354, 373, 387n, 389–390, 400, 403, 421, 435
- Soviet position, 390
- Strategic importance, 253, 260, 290–291, 344–347, 380–381, 383–385
- U.S.–Saudi talks, 415, 435, 450–453
- Valuation, 273, 275, 299, 307, 345, 359, 369, 380
- Disputed Territory, 355, 749
- Economic situation, 252, 258, 319, 425–426, 456, 458, 485, 491–492
- Egypt, relations with, 351–352, 386–387, 415, 572
- Farsi and Arabi Islands, 425, 427, 437–438, 444, 472–473
- France, relations with, 403, 408–409
- Hejaz Railway, 310–312, 349, 353, 369, 373, 577, 582
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 435–436, 446, 456–457, 461, 464, 480, 506
- Iran, relations with, 425, 427
- Iraq, relations with, 96, 145, 318–319, 322, 349, 350, 355, 365, 367
- Israel, relations with, 119, 269, 318, 333, 365, 424–425, 434
- Jordan, relations with, 2, 103–104, 133n, 158
- Jordanian economic aid to, 76–77, 79
- Lebanon, relations with, 508
- Middle East regional defense, 309
- Muscat and Oman, relations with, 223–225, 227, 229, 232–236, 244
- Oil industry, 258, 264–267, 323–324, 328–330, 348, 405, 432, 503–505
- Persian Gulf sheikdoms, relations with, 245, 309
- Political situation, 349, 332–333, 350n, 378–379
- Riyadh–Medina railroad, 457, 460–461
- Saud visit to the United States, 326, 374–375, 386, 405–408, 413–415
- Soviet bloc military aid to, 473
- Soviet military aid to, 267–270, 272–274, 282, 312, 353, 365, 424, 477n, 750–751
- Soviet Union, relations with, 224, 262–264, 267, 269–270, 272, 304, 313–314, 427
- Syria, relations with, 21, 313, 349, 473, 500, 516n, 517, 526–528, 530, 536, 549, 553, 555, 572, 580, 588–589, 592
- Tiran Straits shipping, 116, 119
- Turkey, relations with, 440
- United Kingdom, relations with, 20–21, 24, 41n, 99, 313–314, 321–322, 321, 328, 333, 408–409
- U.N. voting record, 578
- United States, relations with (see also
Arabian–American Oil Company), 39, 41n
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 490–492, 508–509
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 257, 300
- Baghdad Pact, 251, 253–254, 258–259, 303n, 439–440
- Buraimi dispute, 252–253, 287–288, 295, 300, 303, 312n, 325, 328, 351, 355–356, 436–437, 475
- Communism, 261–262, 489–490, 492–493, 507, 688
- Egyptian–Czech arms deal, 278
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 418–419, 422, 489–490
- Farsi and Arabi Islands, 472–473
- Hejaz Railway, 369, 373
- Iraq, U.S. military aid to, 253
- Israel boycott demand, 264–267, 271–272
- Jews, discrimination against, 361–362, 393–395, 474
- Joint communiqué, 481–486, 492–493
- Jordan, 71, 111–112, 163
- Oil industry, 432
- Press coverage, 262
- Saudi position, 269, 298, 353
- Suez canal, 403, 419–420
- Syrian crisis, 612–613, 645–646, 659–660, 727
- U.S. investments, 309
- U.S. personnel, 474
- U.S.–British relations, 293, 305, 348, 388–389, 444–445
- U.S. economic aid to (see also
Dhahran Airfield
above), 269–271, 273,
- Broadcasting stations, 460–461
- Dammam Port, 465, 469n, 480, 488, 493–494, 495–496
- Dulles memorandum, 480
- Exchange of notes, 488
- Export–Import loans, 255, 446, 457, 480
- Point IV, 258, 270, 276, 436
- Riyadh–Jidda Railroad, 254–255, 257, 300
- Saud talks, 435–436
- Saudi economic situation, 252, 258, 270
- U.S.–Saudi talks, 456–461
- Weather service, 399n
- U.S.–Iraqi relations, 253
- U.S. military aid to, 265–266, 296,
300, 303n, 365–366, 370–371, 374, 386,
387n, 397–399, 402, 661,
- Amount of, 401, 415–416, 455, 467, 479
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 269, 356, 434, 462–463
- British position, 259–260
- Defense Department position, 415–416, 453–455, 466–467
- Deliveries, 501–502
- Dulles memorandum, 477–479
- Exchange of notes, 488
- Five–year plan, 296–299, 301n, 345, 356–358, 360–361, 371, 390–391
- Grant aid, 270–271, 273, 275–277, 297–298, 306, 373, 390, 400, 410, 454, 464–465, 467, 472
- ICA funds, 416, 455
- Israeli position, 337, 649
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 344–347, 415
- Joint communiqué, 483
- Jordanian position, 165
- Lebanese position, 171
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 265, 268, 299, 301n, 325–326, 401, 411, 433
- Public relations, 341–343
- Reimbursable aid, 276, 297–299, 344–345, 395, 400–401, 450, 454, 478
- Saudi–British relations, 424–425
- Saudi economic situation, 270
- Saudi–Egyptian relations, 415
- Saudi position, 269, 279, 294n, 353, 406n, 407n, 409, 433–435, 451, 465, 470–472
- And Soviet military aid, 267
- And Syrian crisis, 661, 664, 714
- Training programs, 254–255, 265–266, 346, 360, 410–411, 416, 450–455, 462, 466, 479, 488
- U.S. influence, 255
- U.S.–Israeli relations, 253, 360n
- U.S. military aid to Lebanon, 194, 199
- U.S. position, 277, 279–280, 326–327, 372, 453–455, 464–467, 471
- U.S. public opinion, 185n, 186n
- U.S.–Saudi talks, 450–453, 462–463
- Yemen, relations with, 363
- Saudi Arabian Airlines, 751
- Schlatter, Brig. Gen. George F., 267n, 287–288, 300
- Schow, Maj. Gen. Robert A., 102
- Schwinn, Walter K., 226, 727
- Seager, Cedric, 140–143, 449, 456
- Selo, Fawzi, 579
- al–Shabandar, Moussa, 520, 521n, 613n
- Shakhbut ibn Sultan, Shaikh, 252n, 274, 392–393
- al–Shami, Sayyid, 773n
- Sharabi, Hisham, 538
- Shaw, John F., 143n, 154n, 456, 570–571, 583n, 589n, 614n
- Shell Company, 571
- Shepilov, Dimitri T., 574, 578
- Shepley, Col. Phillip, 359, 661n
- Sherwood, Robert K., 449, 503
- Shiloah, Reuven, 104–105, 119–122, 662–663
- al–Shishakli, Adib, 514, 527, 531, 534, 536–564, 579–581, 604, 611
- Shuckburgh, Charles Arthur Evelyn, 5, 20–22, 26, 301n, 327, 331, 567
- Shuqayr, Gen. Shawkat, 91, 523n, 525, 535–536, 540–541, 546n, 547, 554, 558, 563, 566
- Simonson, Joseph, 755–761
- Sinai, 166, 403, 614
- Sixth Fleet deployment:
- Smith, Gerard C., 510, 659, 730
- Socony Mobil (see also Arabian–American Oil Comapny), 250, 264–267, 271n, 272
- Solh, Sami, 178, 192, 194, 196, 198n, 210–211, 662n, 711
- Somaliland, 753
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet Union and Soviet, Communism, and Communist subheadings under other subjects):
- Soysal, Ismail, 517n
- Spaak, Paul–Henri, 706
- Spain, 381, 400
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Staats, Elmer B., 530n
- Standard Oil Company, 271n, 321, 331, 337, 571, 582–585, 769–770
- Stassen, Harold E., 334
- Stevens, Eli, 294–295, 449
- Stevenson, Col. Hugh, 537n
- Stoltzfus, William A., Jr., 431, 445n, 449, 463n, 468, 481
- Stone, Howard E., 633
- Straits of Tiran. See Tiran Straits.
- Strong, Robert C., 626n, 633n, 639, 718–719, 735, 746n
- Sturgill, Robert G., 472n
- Sudan, 669
- Suedi, Tewfik, 671, 673
- Suez Canal:
- Suez Canal crisis, 68, 108, 120, 420
- Arab nationalism, 84, 487
- British–Jordanian relations, 6, 68
- British–Saudi relations, 403, 475
- Egyptian position, 401, 668
- French–Saudi relations, 475
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 498
- Jordanian reactions to, 84
- Lebanese position, 193, 197
- Oil industry, 403, 419, 607, 707
- Syrian reactions to, 593–594, 601
- U.N. role, 62, 78, 121, 204–205, 405n, 420, 441, 593–594
- U.S. position, 49–50, 75, 167, 204, 419–420, 441
- U.S. role, 146, 401, 408, 668
- U.S.–Saudi relations, 403
- Suhrawardy, Hussain, 152–154
- Sukarno, Ahmad, 261–262
- Sullivan, Charles A., 359
- Sultan, Prince, 491, 494
- Surur, Muhammed Shaikh, 387, 417, 431, 436, 456–461, 468–470, 477, 481, 491, 494
- Sweden, 174, 247
- Sweeney, Lt. Col. James L., 27
- Switzerland, 174
- Symmes, Harrison M., 487n
- Syria (see also
Arab States; Egyptian–Syrian–Saudi (ESS) Pact;
Syrian crisis; Syria and
Syrian subheadings under other subjects):
- Alexandretta, 528
- Anti–Western orientation, 513, 526, 553, 555, 563, 576
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 624
- Arab nationalism in, 442, 525, 592, 622–623, 628–630
- Arab Socialist Resurrection Party, 516n, 519, 525–526, 530–534, 535, 554, 576, 581, 592, 602, 676–677, 679, 745
- Baghdad Pact, 5, 514–518, 528–529, 536, 568, 620, 630, 679, 734
- Bulgaria, relations with, 577
- Chinese People’s Republic economic aid to, 577
- Communist influence in, 442, 500, 513, 525–526, 536, 538–539, 545
- Czech military and economic aid to, 541, 558, 566, 576–577, 614–617
- Economic self–sufficiency, 513, 535
- Egypt, relations with, 145, 508, 525, 566, 577, 580, 593–595
- ESS Pact, 520n, 523n, 527, 566
- France, relations with, 541, 593, 604–605
- Hejaz Railway, 310n, 577
- IBRD loans, 571–572, 665
- IPC pipeline, 548–549, 558–559, 570, 685
- Iraq, relations with, 21, 349, 516, 519, 521, 525, 528–529, 536, 548, 575, 588–589, 592, 611–612, 656, 671–673
- Iraqi intervention, possible, 520–522, 523n, 528, 544–545, 548–549, 556, 568, 604–607, 610–613
- Israel, relations with, 525, 536
- Israeli attack on, Dec. 1955, 560, 569
- Israeli intervention, possible, 604–607
- Jordan, relations with, 11, 25, 68–69, 78–79, 89, 146
- Lebanon, relations with, 177n, 178, 183, 186, 210–211, 709
- Middle East regional defense, 309
- Military capabilities, 433–434, 532–533
- Neutralism, 177n, 513, 515, 519, 535, 561, 568, 575, 578, 630, 678, 719, 736
- Oil industry (see also IPC pipeline above), 349, 611–612
- Operations Coordinating Board analysis, 530–537
- Political situation (see also
Syrian crisis
Arab Socialist Resurrectionist Party
Communist influence
- Army role, 522, 523n, 525, 531, 533, 563, 575–576, 581, 602, 735
- Baghdad Pact, 515, 524, 536
- British position, 521n, 544n, 601–602
- CFI, 526
- Communist Party, 513, 525–526, 530–534, 554, 575, 592, 602, 676
- Egyptian intrigue, 516n, 517, 526–528, 530, 536, 553, 555, 563, 572, 592, 634
- ESS Pact, 520n, 523n, 527
- French position, 516n, 517, 526–528, 530, 536, 553, 555, 601–602, 605
- Iraqi position, 527, 530, 549, 552, 555, 569–570, 601–602
- Israeli position, 601–602
- “Little RCC,” 576, 602, 676–677, 679
- Malki assassination, 523–525, 527, 537–538, 630
- Minorities, 535
- Nationalist Party, 514, 528, 554, 602, 677
- Partisans of Peace, 532
- Populist Party, 514, 528, 554, 602, 677
- Quwatli government, 541, 553–554
- Revolutionary Command Council, 576
- Shishakli, role of, 579–581
- Soviet intrigue, 516n, 530
- Soviet–Turkish relations, 706, 708
- Special National Intelligence
- Estimate, 675–680
- Syrian position, 742
- Syrian Social National Party, 523–524, 527, 531, 537–538, 563–565, 581, 677
- Turkish position, 591, 593n, 601–602, 606
- U.S. position, 519–520, 522
- U.S. role. See U.S. plot accusations and U.S. propaganda under United States, relations with below.
- U.S.–Saudi discussions, 612–613
- Riyadh–Medina Railraod, 460
- Rumania, relations with, 578
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 21, 313, 349, 473, 500, 516n, 517, 526–528, 530, 536, 549, 553, 555, 572, 580, 588–589, 592
- Soviet bloc military and economic aid to, 124, 546–547, 582–585, 588–589, 593, 604, 677–678
- Soviet economic aid to, 577, 679, 709
- Soviet influence in (see also
Syrian crisis), 516–, 530, 535, 540,
561, 602, 605, 618–619
- Lebanese position, 209
- Soviet military aid to, 420, 541, 546, 552, 557–558, 576–577, 598, 606, 660, 733
- Soviet Union, relations with, 157, 160, 243, 536, 555, 567, 601–604, 660, 713
- Taurus Railway, 528
- Turkey, relations with, 21, 517n, 604–607
- United Kingdom, relations with:
- U.N. voting record, 575, 578
- United States, relations with, 441, 529n, 545, 596, 632–633
- Algeria, 624–625
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 624
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 535, 538, 568, 620, 623
- Arab nationalism, 622–623, 628–630
- Baghdad Pact, 516–518, 528–529, 536, 568, 630
- Cultural exchanges, 634, 737
- Diplomatic relations, 743–744
- ESS Pact, 526
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 620–622, 624, 627–628, 631, 646, 650–651, 692–693, 695, 697–699, 713, 741–744
- Exchange program, 535
- IPC pipeline sabotage, 594–595, 599–600, 607–608
- Israel, 527–528, 536, 555–557, 568
- Richards Mission, 622
- State visit proposal, 429
- Suez Canal crisis, 594
- Syrian memorandum, 626–632
- U.S. plot accusations, 523–524, 527, 537–538, 564, 581, 633–634, 636–637, 642, 675
- U.S. propaganda, 528, 535, 660, 709, 715–717
- U.S.–Syrian discussions, 614–625
- Zionism, 586–588
- U.S. banks in, 572
- U.S.–British discussions, 567
- U.S. economic aid to, 527, 534–535, 619, 624
- U.S. military aid to, 516, 527, 540–543, 546–547, 550–551, 556, 559–560, 566, 660–661
- U.S. policy toward, 243, 556–558, 562, 598, 618
- U.S.–Turkish relations, 591–593
- Yemen, relations with, 763
- Syrian Airways, 573
- Syrian crisis:
- Arab States position, 646, 652, 654, 656–657, 669, 690, 706, 708, 715–716
- Arab States response, 656, 678–679, 686
- Bizri takeover, 639–640, 676
- British response, 688
- Egyptian position, 662, 664–666
- Egyptian response, 744–747
- Egyptian role in, 713
- Iraqi–Jordanian relations, 672–673, 683, 685–686, 696n
- Iraqi position, 643, 650, 669
- Iraqi response, 638, 658, 664, 669–672, 685, 710
- Iraqi–Saudi relations, 656, 658, 671–673
- Israeli response, 644n, 648, 662–663, 669, 710, 737
- Jordanian response, 638, 654, 669,
699n, 710
- Turkish position, 658
- Lebanese response, 243, 638, 710–713
- Lebanon, effects on, 685, 692, 708, 713
- Oil industry, effects on, 666, 679, 685, 692, 695, 696n, 703, 707, 709
- Saudi–Jordanian relations, 638, 699n
- Saudi response, 638–639, 655, 659–660
- Soviet response, 700, 702, 704–708, 711, 713, 720, 732
- State Department communications
- systems, 651
- Turkish–Iraqi discussions, 638, 642–644
- Turkish military maneuvers, 733–734
- Turkish response, 650, 657, 669, 706, 708, 710
- And U.N. Charter, 692, 694–695, 698
- U.N. role, 643, 657, 704–705, 711
- U.S.–British cooperation, 243–244, 648, 670n, 681–682, 684, 686, 693, 695, 697, 717n
- U.S. Embassy harassment, 633–634, 741
- U.S.–Iraqi relations, 647, 658, 683, 694–696, 700–701
- U.S.–Israeli relations, 646–650, 662–663, 690–691
- U.S.–Jordanian relations, 654–656, 698–699
- U.S.–Lebanese relations, 696–697, 710–714
- U.S. military and economic aid to the Arab States:
- U.S. responses, 633–637, 640–642, 646,
- Economic aid to Iraq, 692, 695, 696n
- Egyptian position, 665–666
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 650–651, 689n, 692–693, 695, 698–699, 713, 716–717
- Iraqi position, 672
- Israeli position, 648–649, 662
- Lebanese position, 712
- Propaganda, 660, 709, 715–717, 719
- Sixth Fleet deployment, 649, 657, 665, 693, 695, 697, 699, 707, 733–734
- Turkish position, 643–644, 672
- U.S.–Saudi relations, 612–613, 645–646, 659–660
- U.S.–Syrian relations, 740–744
- U.S.–Turkish relations, 647, 650, 658, 684, 691–693, 700–701, 723–724
- Western response to, 708–709
- Syrian–Egyptian–Jordanian Defense Pact, 593
- Syrian Oil Refining and Distribution Company, 571
- Taiwan, 244, 598
- Taiwan Resolution, 245
- Talbott, Harold E., 259, 260n
- Talhouni, Raisdiwan, 26
- Talib ibn Ali, 229, 234–235, 449
- TAPLINE. See Trans–Arabian Pipeline.
- Tarazi, Salah al–Din, 633n
- al–Tariqi, Abdallah, 503–504
- Tassan, Maj. Gen. Ibrahim, 449
- Templer, Gerald, 7–9, 20, 57, 105
- Templer Mission, 7–8, 20, 105
- Theotokis, Spiros, 366
- Timmons, Benson E.L., 334, 734
- Tiran and Sanafir Islands, 438, 444
- Tiran Straits, 26, 116, 119–121, 499n
- Tomeh, George, 740
- Trans–Arabian Pipeline (TAPLINE), 71, 180, 503n, 504, 585, 599
- Transworld Airlines (TWA), 382
- Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the United Kingdom, India, and Yemen, 1934, 766
- Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between the United States and Yemen, 1946, 768
- Trevelyan, Humphrey, 18
- Trucial State, 280, 304, 487
- Truman, Harry S., 270, 305–307, 333
- Tunisia, 629, 656
- Tunner, Gen. William H., 352, 406n
- Turkey, 157, 440,
- Iraq, relations with, 21, 549, 638, 642–644
- Israel, relations with, 440
- Jordan, 89, 117
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 440
- Soviet Union, relations with, 700, 706, 708, 711
- Syria, relations with (see also Syrian crisis), 21, 517n, 604–607
- United States, relations with, 117, 707
- U.S. forces in, 108
- U.S. military aid to, 356, 434, 650–651, 692, 700–701, 707, 715
- Turko–Iraqi Pact. See Baghdad Pact.
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 680, 685–686, 688, 734n
- Tyler, William R., 605, 740n
- Ujeimy, Adil, 539n
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom (see also Arab Legion; Buraimi dispute; United Kingdom and British subheadings under other subjects):
- United Nations:
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 624
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 14n, 40, 46, 204–205, 270n, 560, 578n, 623
- Buraimi dispute, 286–287, 292, 294–295, 302, 304
- Egypt, 60–61, 75, 578
- Hungary, 687
- Iraq, 578
- Jordan, 38, 60–61, 72, 93, 105, 113, 167
- Lebanon, 193, 578
- Middle East, 60–61, 221, 631
- Middle East emergency force, 200–201
- Military aid resolution, 462–463
- Muscat and Oman, 237–242, 244–248
- Saudi Arabia, 29, 366
- Soviet vetoes in, 526
- Suez Canal crisis, 62, 78, 121, 204–205, 405n, 420, 441, 593–594
- Syria, 548, 575, 578, 711, 720–725, 738–740
- Syrian crisis, 643, 657, 692, 694–695, 698, 704–705, 711
- U.S. role in, 204
- U.N. Charter, 40, 105, 521, 630–631, 692, 694–695, 698
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine and the Near East (UNRWA), 7, 13, 37–39, 66, 80, 171n
- U.S. Geological Survey, 771
- U.S. Information Agency, 38–39, 535, 537n, 715
- Universal Oil Products, 583
- Van Dusen, William, 503
- Vatican, 713
- Vietnam, 485
- Villard, Henry S., 530n
- Voice of America, 528n
- Wadsworth, George E., 278n, 417, 431, 445, 456, 468, 481
- Aqaba, Gulf of, 489–491
- Buraimi dispute, 286–288, 294–295, 302–303, 305, 307n, 321n, 354–356
- Dhahran Airfield, 260n, 306n, 368–369, 373–374, 379, 380n, 382, 385–387, 389, 391n, 392n, 395–396
- Jordan, 79, 112n
- Palestine, 407
- Saudi Arabia, 252–253, 255n, 261–263, 325–327, 351–354, 372, 474,
- Iran, relations with, 437
- Iraq, relations with, 322, 350n
- Oil industry, 266n
- Richards Mission, 494
- Saud visit to the United States, 374–375, 405, 413
- Soviet Union, relations with, 269–271
- United Kingdom, relations with, 335, 338n, 340, 341n, 355
- U.S. economic aid to, 310–312, 458–461, 494n, 496n
- U.S. military aid to, 259n, 267n, 276n, 297–301, 343n, 356–358, 359–361, 370–371, 408–410, 433, 450, 452–453, 462, 470
- Syria, 638–639
- U.S.–Egyptian relations, 378n
- U.S.–Turkish relations, 722
- Yemen, 748–751, 753, 758–759, 762–764, 766n, 767n, 769, 771, 773n
- Waggoner, Edward L., 192n, 195n, 199n, 217n, 220n, 568n, 619n, 632n, 637n, 735n
- Wagner, Robert, 413–414
- Walid, Khalid Bey, 282–283, 373, 431
- Walmesley, Walter N., 723n, 725–726, 738
- Warren, Fletcher, 117, 591, 593n, 617, 704–705, 723n, 724n
- Welk, William, 456, 570–572
- West Bank, 9–10, 15n, 25, 38, 74, 91, 102, 105–106, 120
- Western Europe, 309, 405
- Western Protectorate, 487
- Wheelus Field Agreement, 307, 346
- Whisenand, Brig. Gen. James, 685
- Whitney, John Hay, 159, 228–230, 232–233, 510, 721n, 730
- Wiens, Henry W., 765n, 771n
- Wilcox, Francis O., 334, 727n
- Wiley, Alexander, 635
- Wilkins, Fraser, 37n, 44n, 57, 76n, 106n, 147n, 184n, 199n, 200, 204n, 222n, 267n, 271n, 272n, 285n, 290, 291n, 305n, 317, 340, 378n, 389n, 454n, 468, 472n, 542n, 545n, 546n, 551n, 557n, 565n, 569n, 579n, 588n, 591n, 607n, 612n, 752n
- Williams, Murat W., 591n
- Wilson, Charles E., 383, 416
- Wilson, Evan M., 449
- Wilson, James M., 359, 381n, 411n
- Wisner, Frank G., 640, 685
- Withers, Charles D., 154n
- World Bank. See International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- World Economic Council, 446
- Wright, Michael Robert, 520n
- Yacoub, Adil, 539
- Yasin, Yusuf Shaikh, 255, 274–275, 311, 352, 417, 431, 445, 462–463, 481
- Arab heads of state meeting, 468
- Buraimi dispute, 287, 302
- Dhahran Airfield, 299, 373, 389, 391, 396n, 399, 402, 469–470
- France, 474–475
- Soviet Union, 262, 269, 473
- Syria, 638–639
- United Kingdom, 287, 355, 474–475
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 357–358, 449, 451–453, 462, 470–472, 476–477
- U.S.–Saudi relations, 326, 395, 474, 482, 492–493
- Yemen, 429, 511
- Aden Protectorate, relations with, 309, 752, 754–755, 760
- Egypt, relations with, 363, 378, 753, 763
- ICA Mission, 767–768
- Neutralism in, 750n
- Oil industry, 756
- Political situation, 760
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 750–751, 753, 761–762
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 420, 473, 687, 752–753, 760–761
- Soviet Union, relations with, 351, 749–751, 756, 761–762, 769
- Syria, relations with, 763
- United Kingdom, relations with, 309, 329, 487, 748–749, 752, 754–756, 760, 765–766
- U.N. voting record, 578
- United States, relations with, 753–754, 761–762
- U.S. military and economic aid to, 753–756, 768, 771–773
- Yemen Development Corporation, 748, 751n, 753, 756, 767, 769–770
- Yost, Charles, 747n
- Young, Richard, 287–288, 296
- Yugoslavia, 667
- Zabarah, Ahmad Ali, 766
- Zaim, Husi, 579
- Zakaria, Yassin, 633–634, 637n
- Zeineddine, Farid, 529n, 574, 586–588, 608, 633–634, 637n, 739
- Zionism, 393–394, 474, 515, 586–588
- Zorlu, Fatin Rustu, 168, 656, 670, 673, 693n