433. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1

667. Jidda’s 289.2 Dept gratified helpful exchange of views with Imam reported reftel. In response you instructed in manner you believe most appropriate make following points to Yemen Govt in Taiz: [Page 768]

Dept appreciates assistance extended ICA Mission and is giving urgent consideration economic aid program;
Dept welcomes Imam’s request for establishment resident US diplomatic mission and is prepared comply;
USG contemplates establishment independent Legation Taiz headed for present by senior Chargé d’Affaires with two or three assistants;
Administrative arrangements will require time but Dept hopes Legation can be opened early next year;
To assist in planning foregoing, Dept would appreciate Yemen Govt views re following rights and privileges accorded by international practice, and apparently encompassed by US–Yemen Treaty 1946,3 to diplomatic establishments (including Yemen Leg here): (a) right to fly flag; (b) free entry privileges; (c) communications, including use of diplomatic codes; (d) freedom of movement within country. (FYI—We would regard (b) and (c) as essential. Article 2 US–Yemen Treaty of 1946 states diplomatic representatives each Party shall be granted by other Party “rights, privileges, exemptions and immunities accorded under generally recognized principles of international law” but Dept uncertain how far Yemen in fact prepared go re foregoing specific items. End FYI.)

In discussing foregoing with Yemenis you should bear in mind that, while Dept intends open Legation Taiz, it is hoped maximum freedom movement for Legation staff, subject, if necessary, appropriate advance notice to GOY, can be agreed upon with Yemen authorities in advance. Experience UK Legation staff may prove helpful this connection.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 641.86H/9–1557. Secret. Drafted by Brewer and approved by Henderson. Repeated to London, Cairo, and Aden.
  2. In telegram 289, September 15, Wadsworth transmitted the highlights of his visit to Yemen between September 4 and 12, and of part of his conversations with the Imam. (Ibid.) A more complete record of the Ambassador’s visit was forwarded in despatch 65 from Jidda, September 29. (Ibid., 123–Wadsworth, George)
  3. For text of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between the United States and Yemen, see Charles I. Bevans, Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America 1776–1949, vol. 12, p. 1223. The exchange of notes took place at Sana’a on May 4, 1946, and the treaty entered into force that same day. For related documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. VIII, pp. 13121318, and ibid., 1946, vol. VII, pp. 924926.