397. Telegram From the President’s Special Assistant (Richards) to the Department of State1
2610. From Richards. Text aide-mémoire given Iranians March 26 follows. Unessential words omitted.
“During discussions between Prime Minister Hussein Ala and other high officials of Iranian Government, and Ambassador James P. Richards, Special Assistant to President of US, various measures were considered which might further purposes of Middle East proposals which are supported by both governments.
“Ambassador Richards informed Prime Minister Ala officially of US willingness to join Military Committee of BP if invited to do so.
[Page 925]“Representatives of two governments discussed ways in which US could further assist Iran in economic field. Ambassador Richards stated US was prepared to furnish assistance to regional economic activities under auspices of BP. He agreed in principle that US would contribute on grant basis towards completion of Iranian portion of regional telecommunications system approved by four area members of Pact, following meeting of BP economic experts held in Baghdad from February 23 to March 1, 1957. He further in principle agreed US would finance on grant basis cost of contract with firm of consulting engineers to survey Iranian portion of railway line linking to railway system of Turkey. This project was also approved after meeting of economic experts in Baghdad. It is understood that Government of Iran plans to discuss with Government of Turkey desirability of utilizing services of single firm of consulting engineers for requirements of both countries with respect to this particular stretch of railroad. Regarding Iranian request for assistance in the survey of proposed railroad from Yazd to Zabedam, linking Iran with Pakistan, Ambassador Richards is prepared to consider matter further upon completion of his visits to BP capitals. Ambassador Richards explained that having obtained views of Iran and Turkey he wished to consult with Pakistan and Iraq before finally deciding upon specific surveys to be financed and projects toward which US financial contributions would be directed. When these consultations were completed, he was prepared to initiate necessary procedural and legal steps.
“After discussions between military representatives and on recommendation of MAAG in Iran, Ambassador Richards said US Government is prepared to undertake following additional military assistance program:
- (1)
- Increase in funds allocated for military construction in Iran to expedite completion of currently planned projects;
- (2)
- Provision of some small arms for Royal Iranian Army, exact amount to be determined by US Department of Defense after consultation with Chief of US Military Assistance Advisory Group in Iran;
- (3)
- Provision of 100 two and one-half ton 6 by 6 trucks for Royal Iranian Army”.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 120.1580/3–2757. Secret. Also sent to Ankara and Baghdad and repeated to Tehran.↩