246. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1
8508. Re London’s 6678.2 While Dept in general agreement approach to talks as suggested by UK it believes we should move toward recommendations as envisioned at Bermuda. Bermuda paper on study of Middle East problems suggested “recommendations for furthering the common interests of the two govts in this area”. With this in mind we considering possible ultimate referral to two govts series broad recommendations based generally on recommendations and substance identical paper prepared during Washington discussions.
As Foreign Office aware, Dept considers steps to improve UK-Saudi Arabian relations and to resolve current differences between two powers as key subject these talks. Henderson will also be prepared state views re Egypt as well as Jordan problem.
Re Persian Gulf sub-sea rights Dept will suggest US–UK consultations leading to possible common position at International Law Commission Conference on Law of Sea scheduled for 1958.
Dept assuming discussions will not embrace technical aspects of access to petroleum which are matters currently under consideration by experts both countries.
Dept regrets that leaks may have occurred re Henderson talks and hopes Embassy can continue picture these as routine matters.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 880.2553/6–557. Secret; Limit Distribution. Repeated to Karachi for Henderson.↩
- Printed as telegram 93 from London to Karachi, Document 244.↩