252. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
625. Re ROK and Viet-Nam membership. In connection pending GA action ROK and Viet-Nam membership resolutions,Dept disposed believe early SC consideration desirable so that report requested by GA resolution can be made to current session, particularly view US sponsorship “soon as possible” phrase included this resolution. Also obviously desirable avoid possible SC consideration next month when USSR chairman. On assumption SC recommendation again prevented by Soviet veto, GA could then adopt simple resolution in plenary, noting SC failure recommend and regretting continued exclusion ROK and Viet-Nam from membership.
Dept recognizes USSR almost certain raise North Korea, Viet Minh, and possibly Outer Mongolia in connection SC consideration ROK and Viet-Nam applications. You should be prepared vote negatively all three Soviet-sponsored candidates. Neither North Korea nor Viet Minh has ever been found qualified UN membership by GA. GA action Outer Mongolia at tenth session taken only as part of package proposal and not test of latter’s qualifications. Moreover, following most recent SC rejection Outer Mongolia last December,GA has taken no further action, even USSR not raising question during recent committee discussion of membership item. View number anticipated negative votes and abstentions believe certain negative votes would not constitute vetos, and could not be interpreted as going against expressed wishes GA. You should also [Page 496] inform other friendly representatives our intention with view to organizing maximum number negative votes and where this not possible, abstentions.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/1–1357. Confidential. Repeated to Saigon and Seoul. Signed by Wilcox for the Secretary.↩