251. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 579. Verbatim text. Re membership. Argentina today proposed following amendments our Korean resolution:

Begin text.

  • “1. Replace the second paragraph of the preamble by the following:

    Noting that in the absence of a unanimous recommendation by the permanent members of the Security Council, the Republic of Korea has not been admitted to membership in the United Nations notwithstanding Resolution 296 G (IV) referred to above,

  • 2. Replace operative paragraph 2 by the following:

    Requests the Security Council to reconsider the application of the Republic of Korea in the light of this determination, and to report to the General Assembly during the current session or, if that cannot be done, as soon as possible.”

End text.

Same amendments with appropriate changes on Vietnam resolution.

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Request instructions.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/1–2457. Official Use Only.
  2. A handwritten notation on the source text indicates that this telegram was seen by Hartley. Gadel 120 to New York, January 25, reads: “Confirming Pratt-Hartley telecon, Delegation authorized accept Argentine suggestion that in lieu two Argentine amendments there be added end second operative paragraph draft resolutions phrase ‘and to report Assembly soon as possible.’” (Ibid.) Pratt was presumably James W. Pratt of the Political and Security Affairs Staff of the Mission at the United Nations.