253. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 859. Re membership. Confirming WilcoxBarcotelecon was decided not ask SC add ROK and Vietnam membership applications on agenda for meeting today after explaining situation to ROK and Vietnam representatives. Decision taken on basis considerations explained Delga 851 which crossed Gadel 1582 in transmission. Mission’s feeling that today’s meeting not appropriate time consider these applications confirmed by canvass other members SC which showed that only China prepared in advance even to call attention to GA resolution favoring admission ROK and Vietnam. As result U.S. requests Philippines, Australia, UK, France, Colombia, and Cuba agreed speak in favor admission. It was obvious no SC member favored consideration these applications this meeting; this especially true of UK and Australia who were anxious focus meeting on new Commonwealth member. We were unable however find any member ROK observer office or representative of Vietnam to explain U.S. intentions. This situation prior to meeting was explained to Department.

U.S. statement referred to GA resolution this session favoring admission Vietnam and Korea and noting their exclusion due only to Soviet veto. Statement asserted U.S. intention request SC meeting to [Page 497] consider GA resolution. Statement also pointed out Korea and Vietnam had successfully established independence, had resisted aggression, occupied respected place in community of nations and fully deserve “to have their voices added to those we have already admitted.”

Suggest Department may wish inform Seoul and Saigon of situation, explaining awkward facts of Soviet presidency, desire of Council members play up Ghana, and efforts USUN resulting in useful reaffirmations support for ROK and Vietnam.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/3–757. Confidential.
  2. Delga 851 from USUN, March 6, dealt with the question of U.N. membership for Ghana and reads as follows: “UK and Australia today requested SC meeting tomorrow morning to take up Ghana. I do not think we should take up Vietnam and ROK during Soviet presidency and propose limit myself tomorrow to statement supporting their membership and indicating our intention to ask for SC meeting in future in accordance GA resolutions. We can then pick time after Soviet presidency which will provide more attention to them and better conditions in SC.” (Ibid., 310.2/ 3–657) Gadel 158 to USUN, March 6, reads in part: “Dept believes UK initiative re Ghana … appropriate and you authorized support if UK decides proceed. However, Dept believes SC should at same time reconsider ROK and Viet-Nam applications as requested recent GA resolution, and Mission should so arrange.” (Ibid., 310.2/3–557)