595. Telegram From the Ambassador in Venezuela (McIntosh) to the Department of State1

397. Minister Interior2 announced American newsmen 6:45 p.m. Sunday plebiscite overwhelming victory regime with 2,200,000 in favor and 500,000 “not in favor” of which more than half “voided” votes or abstentions. Official count to be announced Electoral Council later in week. City calm eve and during election day. Result no surprise but announcement figures to American newsmen prior count ballots in sealed box unusual candor even this regime. Total claimed vote of 2,700,000 of announced potential vote of 3,278,000 seems high view what to Embassy observers seemed only medium turnout in spite of unrestrained “get out the vote” campaign. Though police, army and SN on visible alert no suggestion trouble or demonstration any kind. Attitude of public best described as apathetic. Announced 82 percent favorable vote forecast no doubt [Page 1168] safe for regime, even though local morning papers show approximately 75 percent favor government on count first three city precincts. Local papers not carrying total vote story as given American press.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 731.00/12–1657. Confidential.
  2. Laureano Vallenilla Lanz.