94. Memorandum of a Meeting, Department of State, Washington, April 23, 1955, 10 a.m.1
- London Working Group Terms of Reference
- Mr. Merchant, EUR
- Mr. Tyler, WE
- Mr. Cleveland, RA
- Mr. Fuller, S/P
- Mr. Palmer, RA
- Mr. Wolf, RA
- Mr. Hooper, GER
- Mr. Kidd, GER
- Mr. Beam, EE
- Mr. Barringer, Defense
- Mr. Billingsly, Defense
- Col. Lawlor, Defense
- Col. Hensty, Defense
- Mr. Reinstein, GER
- Mr. Blake, E
- Mr. Lyon, GER
- Mr. Cottman, S/S
The following is a record of actions taken at the 10:00 a.m. meeting in the EUR conference room on the terms of reference for the US Delegation to the London Working Group:
- 1.
- That the US Delegation to the London Working Group would engage in a general exchange of views regarding Germany and European security, leading possibly to the formulation of an agreed analysis of the situation and possibly setting forth alternative proposals regarding the timing of the proposed Big Four meeting and the agenda thereto.
- 2.
That the US Delegation should discuss the “Eden Plan” for free elections in Germany and the proposed German Peace Treaty (as outlined in FP (WG) D–4a and D–4/2a2) but would not initiate discussiitemn [Page 146] in the Working Group on various proposals for European Security arrangements which have been discussed in the joint State-Defense Working Group meeting here.
In particular, the US Delegation should not put forward in London any elaboration of suggestions concerning a possible extension of the WEU Arms Control provisions; rather it should attempt to draw out the other delegations on the subject of European Security arrangements in general.
- 3.
- That the basic position of the United States is to maintain and strengthen NATO and Germany’s association with the West through NATO. No proposal should be accepted which would conflict with this position.
- 4.
- That the Working Group should endeavor to encourage the exposition of the views of the UK, French and German Delegations, always keeping in mind in any exchange of views their relation to the basic US position as set forth above. (Item 3.)
- 5.
- That action should be taken in Washington to initiate an OCB working group, similar to that set up for the Geneva meeting, to consider means for developing policies designed to implement US objectives in the overseas information and propaganda field. (Mr. Reinstein action.)
- 6.
- That FE be requested to
prepare a paper for the guidance of the London Delegation in
meeting possible insistence that we agree to inclusion of
Far Eastern matters on a Big Power conference agenda. This
paper might suggest that if our position in opposition to
inclusion of this item is not acceptable to the others, the
Working Group
- a)
- agree to refer this matter to the Foreign Minister level;
- b)
- agree that US will consider these proposals.
- 7.
- That Mr. Reinstein would coordinate back-stopping operations for the London Working Group.
- Source: Department of State, CFM Files: Lot M–88, Box 254, FP(WG)Memos. Confidential. A cover sheet indicated the memorandum was drafted by Cleveland and Cottman, approved by Merchant, and circulated as FP(WG)Memo 7.↩
- The former, dated April 19, recommended that the basic features of the Eden Plan (FPM(54)17, January 29, 1954, Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. vii, Part 1, p. 1177) should again be advanced in the next conference with the Soviet Union. The latter, also dated April 19, proposed a draft German peace treaty as a step going beyond the Eden Plan and enclosed such a draft treaty. (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 452) A set of the FP(WG)D documents, numbering 1–6 and covering Austria, Germany, European Security, the Far East, and a Four-Power Meeting, is ibid.↩