254. Proposal of the British Delegation1



The United Kingdom Delegation propose that, as a means of increasing mutual confidence in Europe, consideration should be given to the establishment of a system of joint inspection of the forces now confronting each other in Europe. In specified areas of agreed extent on either side of the line dividing Eastern and Western Europe joint inspecting teams would operate by mutual consent.

This project would provide opportunity for the practical test on a limited scale of international inspection of forces in being and would provide valuable experience and lessons for use over a wider field in the future.

The willingness of the Four Governments to accept such inspection would moreover demonstrate their determination to reduce international tension in Europe.

The system of inspection here proposed is without prejudice to the work of the United Nations Disarmament Sub-Committee. It is also distinct from the proposals put forward by the United Kingdom Delegation from the limitation, control and inspection of forces and armaments in connection with European security.

  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 514. This proposal was made at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Heads of Government, July 21; see Document 221.