321. Telegram 994 from Geneva1
Geneva, October 28, 1955, 10
994. From Johnson.
Wang’s office today sent over revised English translation of draft he handed me yesterday which contains following changes from text given Mytel 968.
- A)
- Title change from “agreed statement” to “agreed announcement”.
- B)
- “State that” end para one changed to “declare”.
- C)
- First portion para 2 changed to 2 in accordance with article 2, para 3”.
- D)
- First portion para 3 changed to “and in accordance with article 2, para 4”.
- E)
- Para 4 “are agreed” changed to “agree”, and “and” at end of para deleted.
- F)
- All of para 5 changed to read as follows: “In order to realize their common desire, the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America decide to hold a conference of Foreign Ministers to settle through negotiations the question of relaxing and eliminating the tension in Taiwan area.”
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–2855. Confidential; Limited Distribution.↩