320. Telegram 977 from Geneva1
977. From Johnson. Mytel 871. Deptel 1003.
Suggest DRF may be able obtain some of information required from its files of FBIS. Need texts of CHICOM broadcast or press item with precise date and source. For possible use next meeting require data on:
Paul E. Craig, Army, Peiping broadcast 27 June 1951.
Casimire T. Demoll, Army, Peiping boradcast 22 June 1951.
Myron Johnson, Army, Peiping broadcast 29 June 1951.
Russel F. Morris, Army, China Monthly Review August 1951.
William D. Schofder, Jr., Army, Peiping broadcast 23 June 1951.
Gerald G. Schuring, Army, (possibly Peiping) broadcast 7 May 1951.
William R. Seggie, Army, (possibly Peiping) broadcast 22 June 1951.
For subsequent use require data on any others on list of 450 missing personnel.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–2755. Official Use Only.↩