298. Telegram From the Ambassador in Czechoslovakia (Johnson) to the Department of State1

316. Deptel 182.2 From substantive standpoint favor alternative which would designate another officer of ambassador rank for continuation talks at Geneva. However, suggest ChiComs may identify Rankin with GRC to degree that would tend to prejudice his negotiations if and when ChiComs may shift from present attitude. Therefore, suggest possibility Bonbright3 commuting Geneva from Lisbon. If this not feasible favor Beam meeting Wang in Warsaw. This would, of course, require Martin commute London–Warsaw (this appears practicable from airline schedules available here) and preferably assignment Dexter to Warsaw. If this done, believe we should also suggest to ChiComs alternative of Martin meeting at Geneva with ChiCom representative on understanding consideration would be given again designating an ambassador if and when it appeared desirable.

Must anticipate Wang will require instructions before replying to me on any alternative that lowers level talks or moves them from Geneva. In this event Martin could remain at or return to Geneva to receive their reply and make agreement, including public announcement, for next meeting. In such case we could simply state following December 12 meeting that date next meeting will subsequently be announced. In event I just inform Wang of designation new ambassador for subsequent meetings, this could be included in announcement following meeting without making reference to my transfer from Prague unless that is otherwise publicly known at time. (I [Page 642] would prefer to postpone announcement my transfer from Prague until very shortly before my departure.)

In any event would appreciate December 12 meeting instructions also covering publicity aspects.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–2257. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution.
  2. Telegram 182 to Prague, November 21, invited Johnson’s comments on three alternative methods of continuing the talks with the Chinese: “1) Beam meet with Wang in Warsaw, 2) Rankin commute Geneva from Belgrade following assignment there, 3) talks be continued at lower level and conducted by Martin commuting to Geneva”. (Ibid.)
  3. James C. H. Bonbright, Ambassador in Portugal.