256. Telegram From the Army Attaché in the Republic of China (Barker) to the Department of the Army1

CX 59 (DA IN 23848). Nine Americans in Embassy injured but now in American hands and okay. Mob moved to USIS and wrecked that after gaining strength. During this police from adjacent Taipei Police Bureau Headquarters attempted arrest 3 students and mob then attacked and set fire to their building bringing police fire which killed 6 rioters. Mob paraded corpses for some time. Meanwhile they set fire to what remained of Embassy. Fires soon extinguished and battalion troops now entrenched there. Small detachments in position guarding various US installations. MND has placed III Corps under control Taipei garrison command, total of 3 and ½ divisions reported in city with 2 deployed as of 250030I. Troops are given authorization to fire on rioters at 250020I “unproclaimed curfew” now in effect and planned set up road blocks throughout city. Military to take over completely from police tonight by 250200I. City now appears quiet.

Comment: Partly because of lack of timely action on part of officials to issue necessary orders and provide reinforcements police proved completely incapable controlling riot. Initial restrictions on use of arms by military forces made them impotent and mere spectators until authorized to use weapons.

Following not guilty finding Reynolds court martial widow of victim began hunger strike at American Embassy morning 24 May. Curious crowds gathered at first orderly but about 241330I mob of 200-300 with several hundred spectators made complete shambles of Embassy. Some reports to effect police tried to cope with mob but were present in only small numbers and under orders protect life but not property and not to fire on crowds their appeals for reinforcements ignored. Other reports stated police initially in sympathy with rioters.

Comment: 24 May local press inflammatory on subject court martial verdict and several public officials made irresponsible statements. Many of rioters were students and 3 schools have been spotted as possible sources trouble. Some evidence that whole thing well planned in advance.2 Total of 150 arrests made so far. When asked [Page 531] during worst phase why positive action not being taken to stop riot reliable official source stated that “We must only take action we can explain to our people.”

  1. Source: Department of State, FE/EA Files: Lot 66 D 225, Riots in Taipei—Course of Events. Confidential; Operational Immediate. Sent to the Chief of Staff of the Army for the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, with instructions to pass to the Departments of Navy and Air Force. Repeated for information to CGUSARPAC Ft Shafter TH, CGAFFE/ARMYEIGHT (REAR) CP Zama Japan, USARMA Tokyo Japan, USARMLO Hong Kong, COMTAIWANDEFCOM (US) Taipei Taiwan.
  2. Admiral Stuart H. Ingersoll, Commander of the Taiwan Defense Command, also felt that the “verdict in Reynolds case is nothing more than an excuse to execute a plan already formulated”. (Navy telegram 0241356Z to the Department of State, May 24; ibid., Central Files, 793.00/5–2457)