148. Telegram From Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson to the Department of State1
1474. 1. Four hour fifty minute meeting this morning. No progress whatsoever. Only unusual development Wang took twenty minute recess immediately following my opening statement.2 Although I received impression this was for purpose conferring on whether my opening statement fitted in with some contingent action they had planned, subsequent developments in meeting gave no indication as to what it might have been.
2. My general impression is that while no sign whatever any shift their position, threat of break on renunciation force has somewhat receded.
3. He was prepared omit any discussion implementation today but in response my initiative again took strong line on Liu Yungming, [Page 307] Taiwan entry permits, lists of Chinese US prisons, alleged US attempt force application for permanent residence, etc.
4. Because of spring festival he asked for next meeting Feb. 20 and when I hesitated, suggested Feb. 18 which I accepted.
5. Departing for Prague tomorrow morning.