1. Telegram From Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson to the Department of State1
239. Held first meeting with Chinese 4 pm August 1.2 After agreed five minutes of photography meeting opened and I asked Wang whether he wished speak first. He accepted offer and read prepared statement gist of which follows:
Chinese People’s Government announced July 31st that in accordance Chinese legal procedure eleven Air Force personnel had [Page 2] been freed and left Peiping same day. They due Hong Kong August 4. Wang said his Government hopes this action will have favorable effects on present talks. He then quoted from agreed statement both Governments of July 25 and added he sincerely hoped talks would continue ease tension between US and China. Expressed conviction that with joint effort it should be possible achieve this highly significant goal. Referring to consular talks held during past year, he declared that although results not entirely satisfactory he was sure I would agree that appreciation should be expressed to consular representatives both sides for their efforts. He said that so long as both sides adopt an attitude of conciliation it should not be difficult reach a solution of return of civilians of both sides.
He added that talks should not be confined to above question because number of other issues exist between China and US. Wang then proposed following agenda:
- 1.
- Return of civilians of both sides to their respective countries.
- 2.
- Other practical matters at issue between two sides.
Regarding second item he proposed each side might put forth matters they desired discuss so that there might be free exchange of views.
After few words of introduction, I expressed gratification at release of flyers and agreed it would facilitate our discussions. I said agenda proposed appeared in accordance with agreement between our two Governments and I had no objection to it. Noting fact neither Wang nor I had brought stenographer I proposed that in interest maintaining maximum informality this practice be continued at future meetings. I also proposed that we do our best conduct these talks in atmosphere of privacy, and that we agreed neither of us will make any public statements or otherwise make available to press any information whatever concerning these talks except in agreement with each other or after prior notification to each other.
Wang declared he welcomed spirit in which I spoke and added that so long as both sides sincerely desire solve problems favorable results could be achieved.
He stated it was advisable at first meeting discuss procedural matters and that he was glad note there was no difference of opinion regarding procedure. Since there was no objection regarding agenda he proposed discussion of first item begin August 2 at 10 a.m.
Regarding question publicity, Wang said he agreed in principle that information should only be released after mutual agreement. He proposed that as first meeting was closely followed by world press and statements would receive attention throughout world each side be free release statement made at today’s meeting. At second meeting publicity question should be further discussed. He expressed pleasure [Page 3] at fact that there was no disagreement on agenda and suggested that it also be released to press.
Texts of agreed statement as well as my oral statement to press through Consulate PAO by separate telegram.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/8–155. Official Use Only. The telegrams to and from Ambassador Johnson in Geneva were numbered in series with other telegrams to and from Geneva. The incoming telegrams bear Consul General Gowen’s signature. Telegram 312 to Geneva, July 29, directed that Johnson’s telegrams did not require Consulate concurrence and should receive no distribution within the Consulate. (Ibid., 611.93/7–2955)↩
- Telegram 330 to Geneva for Johnson, August 1, indicates that Johnson made a preliminary report on the meeting by trans-Atlantic telephone. (Ibid., 611.93/8–155) After most subsequent meetings, Johnson sent brief telegrams giving the highlights of the meetings, followed by detailed telegraphic reports; most of the latter are not printed here. Both the summary and detailed reports of the meetings (except for those of the August 4 meeting) are filed, along with much other documentation relating to the Ambassadorial talks, ibid., 611.93. Further documentation, including a series of official–informal letters between Johnson and McConaughy concerning the talks, is ibid., Geneva Talks Files: Lot 72 D 415.↩
Johnson transmitted the text of the agreed statement, which announced the agenda for the talks, and his own brief statement in telegram 235 from Geneva, August 1. (Ibid., Central Files, 611.93/8–155) The statements issued on August 1 by the President and Secretary Dulles expressing gratification at the release of the fliers are printed in Department of State Bulletin, August 15, 1955, p. 262.
Johnson commented in telegram 240 from Geneva, August 1, that by the release of the fliers “ChiComs have spectacularly grabbed propaganda ball” and that it seemed probable “ChiComs are going to move fast and early on civilians as they are playing for big game.” He stated that while the release of the fliers “enables me maintain position can be no discussion ‘other practical matters’ until ChiComs agree release all civilians, I feel we are very shortly going to be at this point” and added that he would welcome the Department’s suggestions on dealing with the subject of “renunciation of force”, since he might soon reach the point where he would have to introduce that subject. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/8–155)