318. Telegram From the Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China1
58. Eyes only Cochran. Appears probable that announcement on subject Deptel 422 will be made July 25 at 1400 GMT although complete agreement on text not yet reached. You should convey message quoted reftel to Foreign Minister immediately, asking him to treat it as classified until announcement released here. Text of announcement [Page 678] and Department’s follow-up press release will be sent you niact soon as possible for advance delivery to Foreign Minister.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/7–2455. Top Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Drafted and approved for transmission by McConaughy; cleared in substance with Hoover.↩
Telegram 42 to Taipei, July 18, for Cochran from Robertson, transmitted a statement for Cochran’s private information, stating that he would be instructed by telegram if and when it should be released to the Chinese Government. The statement reads in part as follows:
“Negotiations are under way through British Foreign Office channels for resumption of talks at Ambassadorial level in Geneva between US and Chinese Communist representatives. Talks would represent continuation at higher level of conversations between Consular representatives at Geneva which have taken place intermittently during past year. Primary object would be to settle matter of repatriation of civilians who desire to return to their respective countries. Anticipated that talks might facilitate further discussions and settlement of certain other practical matters now at issue between the two sides.
“Date of first meeting has not been settled. ChiComs proposed July 21 but US did not want any discussions to take place during Summit Conference therefore proposed Aug 1. US Ambassador to Czechoslovakia U. Alexis Johnson, who held talks on same subject with Chinese Communists at Geneva last year, is to be designated to represent US.
“Talks of course will not imply any degree of diplomatic recognition. US will not agree to discuss any matters involving claims, rights, or essential interests of Republic of China. Only matters of bilateral concern to US and Chinese Communists are to be discussed. US Government hopes that talks may result in release of all American nationals held in Communist China civilian and military.” (Ibid., 611.93/7–1855)
↩- Sent in telegram 59 to Taipei, July 25. (Ibid., 611.93/7–2555)↩