121. Memorandum of a Conversation With the President, Washington, February 19, 1955, 11 a.m.1


  • Admiral Radford
  • General Twining
  • Colonel Goodpaster

In response to the President’s request, General Twining reviewed the readiness of SAC and the information received from certain flights.

The President indicated an interest in the possibility of controlling air photography of the facilities of military significance in the United States.

Admiral Radford raised the question of provision of reserves of equipment as replacements for operational losses for the Chinese Nationalists, indicating that funds available are adequate for the purpose. The President indicated that he favored provision of such reserves, and mentioned as alternative ways of providing them the addition of a squadron to an air wing or the storing of stocks of supplies against the day of need. The President indicated that he would wish to be advised by the Secretary of State before any action was taken with respect to timing or other arrangements for the provision of such reserves, including informing the Chinese Nationalists as to U.S. policy.

The President indicated he would like to see Chiang make proposals on his own initiative which would ease the situation concerning the off-shore islands and improve the U.S. security position in the Formosa area. If he would do that, the President would be inclined to provide reserves, and would seriously consider maintaining U.S. forces of the order of a battalion of Marines and a squadron of F-86’s on the island.

Admiral Radford asked for the President’s view with respect to legislation to provide a house for the Chairman of the JCS. The President indicated he favored such action, and suggested that the Defense Department should submit their proposal for legislation to the Bureau of the Budget in the normal way.

A. J. Goodpaster
Colonel, CE, US Army
  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, ACW Diaries. Top Secret. Drafted by Goodpaster. The time of the meeting is from the President’s appointment diary. (Ibid., President’s Daily Appointments)