795B.5/10–654: Telegram

The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief Far East (Hull)

top secret

JCS 968900. From JCS for CINCUNC.

1. Instructions contained in JCS 95977 of 10 Jul 511 are rescinded.

2. Following instructions constitute continuation of your authority as CINCUNC for conduct of military operations in Korea.

3. UN Security Council resolutions which make UN forces and other assistance available to the Unified Command under the United States remain in effect.

4. You will continue to exercise command of all UN and non-UN forces assigned to UNC in the prosecution of your mission as CINCUNC.

US Objectives

5. The current US objective is to maintain a position of strength with respect to Korea: (a) in support of the UN commitment to oppose aggression, (b) to prevent the area from coming under Communist domination either by subversion or by being overrun, and (c) to ensure the continuance of a free government on the peninsula.

6. The United States seeks to achieve these objectives through peaceful means, avoiding or preventing a resumption of fighting in Korea, if possible to do so without compromising our obligations, principles and military security.

US Courses of Action

7. To achieve the objectives set forth above, the United States must be prepared to take the following courses of action:

Prevent or counter a resumption of fighting unilaterally by the Republic of Korea.
Counter the resumption of fighting by the Communists.
Continue to seek, by political negotiations between the Communists and the UN (with the Republic of Korea associated with the latter), a unified and neutral Korea friendly to the United States under an independent and representative government.
Pending a political settlement and while the armistice continues in effect, continue the measures prescribed for achieving a position of strength in Korea.

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8. As CINCUNC you will, consistent with the security of forces under your command, comply with the terms of the Armistice Agreement of 27 Jul 53 and maintain assigned forces in a state of combat readiness to undertake such operations as may be directed by JCS.


9. As CINCUNC you will:

Maintain the integrity of the forces defending the line defined in the Armistice Agreement of 27 Jul 53.
Continue in effect all pertinent instructions to the UNC involving the maintenance of the security of US/UN forces in the Korean area.
Build up and maintain the security position of the ROK consistent with the Armistice terms, and in a manner, and to an extent, that will permit the phased and orderly redeployment of the bulk of US armed forces.
In accordance with approved directives, seek to insure that the Republic of Korea observes the Armistice.
Subject to limitations imposed by the Armistice Agreement, make an extensive effort in coordination with other United States agencies concerned using all information media available to initiate and maintain a psychological offensive.


10. The following forces are available to you as CINCUNC:

UN–US Forces. All United Nations and United States forces deployed in FEC, except those United States forces essential for the defense of Japan and Ryukyus.
ROK Forces. You are authorized to maintain a total ROK army force of 20 divisions within approved personnel ceilings and to increase the strength of other ROK forces to the following:
Marine Corps to 23,500.
Navy to 15,000.
Air Force to 9,000.

The attachment of ROK personnel to UN units is authorized within prescribed ceilings.

Redeployment Planning

11. Planning assumptions furnished you in JCS 9462202 (dated 17 Aug 53) are rescinded. JCS guidance governing the redeployment of forces from your command is furnished in JCS 9668252 dated 27 Aug 54.

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Planning for the Contingency That Hostilities Are Resumed

12. Operational planning to meet the contingency that hostilities in Korea are renewed by the Communists in the near future will continue as a CINCFE responsibility, in coordination with CINCPAC and COMSAC, as appropriate (JCS 955981, 22 Jan 54 and SM-371–54, dated 23 Apr 543).

Korean Economic Aid Activities

13. As directed in DA 945551, 8 Aug 53,4 the President has assigned CINCUNC the responsibility for development and supervision in the field of an integrated program of economic aid as a basis for Korean relief, rehabilitation and stabilization, with the understanding that a significant portion of this program will be carried out by utilization of services and facilities of United States military units. All Korean economic aid activities will be conducted in accordance with DA 945551, 8 Aug 53.

Civil Affairs

14. In areas under UN control in Korea the provisions of WAR 85117, 6 Jul 504 remain applicable.

15. In North Korea provisions of JCS 95328, 28 Oct 50, as interpreted in WAR 95715, 2 Nov 50,5 remain applicable.

Logistic Support

16 Except as limited by the terms of the Armistice Agreement, you are authorized to send to Korea munitions and supplies from sources at your disposal as may be necessary in the conduct of your mission. Logistic support from U.S. sources outside the control of CINCUNC will be provided on the basis of forces in being as authorized by JCS.

17. Logistic support of foreign forces under your command will be as directed in WAR 90576, 3 Sep 50.4

Captured Matériel

18. In event hostilities are resumed, you will be guided with respect to the acquisition, use, and ultimate disposal of enemy matériel captured in Korea by instructions contained in JCS 99193, 19 Dec 50, as amplified by JCS green paper dated 6 Apr 51, subject: “Priorities for the Utilization of Soviet-Type Equipment Captured in Korea” forwarded to you by Chief of Staff, U.S. Army on 24 Apr 51.3


19. As CINCUNC, you are authorized to employ field press censorship concerning news media material in Korea and to exercise control [Page 1896] of military facilities used for news transmission. You are authorized to curtail use of or impound commercial news transmission facilities in Korea whenever, in your judgment, such action is essential to the security of your command.

Channels of Communication

20. Directives from the U.S. Government, acting for the UN, to the UN Command will be transmitted to CINCUNC by the Secretary of Defense, normally through the Department of the Army which is the executive agency for the Secretary of Defense in these matters. Communications with JCS, involving strategic direction and guidance for operational control of forces and the conduct of combat operations and related matters will be through the Chief of Staff of the Army, acting in the name of and under the direction of the Secretary of Defense.

21. Periodic operations reports of United Nations Command activities will be rendered as directed in JCS 953797, 3 Dec 53.6

  1. For text, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. vii, Part 1, p. 646.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Neither printed.
  5. Not printed.
  6. Not printed.
  7. Neither printed, but for text of the Oct. 28, 1950 directive, see Foreign Relations, 1950, vol. vii, p. 1007.
  8. Not printed.
  9. Neither printed.
  10. Not printed.