795.00/1–1454: Telegram

The Ambassador in Korea (Briggs) to the Department of State


677. Substance Deptel 589 January 121 conveyed orally to Foreign Minister Pyun this afternoon—in no ambiguous terms. Pyun appeared initially startled, thereafter expressing regret, contrition and finally excuse that ROK, faced with solidification of armistice line as permanent border, finds itself so desperate that “desperate statements should [Page 1723] not be misunderstood”. I said that if by desperate statement he sought to excuse such untrue and offensive declaration as OPI issue in question, he ought simultaneously to recognize what harm it is doing to ROK interests in general while at same time rendering more difficult such efforts as my government may seek in the future to take on Korea’s behalf.

I also told Pyun what my government thought of allegations emanating from official Seoul sources that US Government siding with Japan in present difficulties existing between Japan and Korea.

Pyun remained in meekness phase noted Embtel 666 January 13.2 He made no effort to defend OPI release or recent intemperate ROK behavior beyond reference to desperate strait mentioned above. He expressed appreciation “for Washington’s frankness” and said he would repeat my observations in official circles.

I am glad to have had this opportunity to clear the air. It remains to be seen what effect, if any, taking Pyun to task may have on Rhee’s behavior.

  1. Not printed, but see footnote 3 to telegram 660 from Seoul, p. 1717.
  2. Not printed. (695A.0024/1–1254)