795.00/7–743: Telegram

The Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to the Department of State


26. Repeated information niact Tokyo 14 for Ambassador Murphy and General Clark, Pusan 15. For the Secretary and Alexis Johnson from Robertson.

I have just received late this afternoon from President Rhee an aide-mémoire of July 7 replying to mine of July 3.1 Many points he raises require no further instructions. As regards defense pact he comments as follows: [Page 1341]

“If the drawing up of a new mutual defense treaty is too time-consuming to be readied in time for the Senate ratification before its present session closes, may I suggest that it be fashioned on the ready-made pattern of the security pact concluded between US and Japan, including clause permitting US Armed Forces ‘in and around Japan’. This treaty has been signed and ratified with Japan and there seems to be no reason why it cannot be ratified in case of Korea. US forces will remain there until the Japanese Government has increased its own forces sufficient for its own defense. These US forces will be there and they are near enough to Korea so that no additional US forces will be required for Korea. If this idea is adopted, all that is needed is to replace the word ‘Japan’ with the word ‘Korea’”.

While he does not mention it specifically, I believe Rhee may be referring primarily to Article 1 of our security treaty with Japan. My question to you is whether or not you would agree to add new article to Department’s revised text of a draft mutual defense treaty, (Deptel 19 to Seoul, repeated information 16 to Pusan, 50 to Tokyo)2 which would contain language similar to Article 1 of the US–Japan security treaty. It seems Rhee does not understand difference between our treaty with Japan and mutual defense treaty. However, I believe that addition of article mentioned above is worth considering.

I am seeing him tomorrow morning which gives time for your comments before our conversation.

  1. As transmitted in Army message 021750Z from Seoul, July 3, p. 1312.
  2. Dated July 6, p. 1339.