795.00/7–253: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea1


9. Reference your 021750Z.2 Suggest following modifications in aide-mémoire:

Para 2 delete “supporting” in last sentence. Use of word “supporting” in connection with 20 divisions may imply balanced forces which would greatly exceed present US plans for Korean air and naval forces as well as Korean ability to support and maintain such forces.

Para 5 amend last sentence to read as follows: “If, at the end of 90 days after the opening of the political conference, it becomes clear that all attempts to achieve these objectives have been fruitless and that the conference is being exploited by the Communists mainly to infiltrate, propagandize, or otherwise embarrass the Republic of Korea the United States Government would be prepared together with the Republic of Korea to withdraw from the political conference and thereafter the United States Government would consult immediately with the Government of the Republic of Korea to determine what steps might properly and reasonably be taken in the light of the circumstances then existing to seek the unification of Korea”.

Corresponding change to be made in third paragraph your letter to Rhee. Believe suggested language less likely to be capable of subsequent misinterpretation by Rhee.

Paragraph a, third sentence appears confusing. If it refers only to Korean POWs do not perceive necessity of inclusion of phrase “and thereafter shall be free to proceed to any destination of their own choosing”. If it refers to both Korean and Chinese believe phrase can also be deleted as terms of reference speak for themselves in this regard.
Paragraph b, last sentence, unless there are reasons not perceived here believe preferable retain language of your previous aide-mémoire regarding retention ROK forces under CINCUNC, that is “armed forces of ROK will remain under operational control of CINCUNC [Page 1317] until Governments of US and ROK mutually agree that such arrangements are no longer necessary”.

  1. This telegram, drafted by Johnson, was sent to Seoul for Robertson and repeated to Tokyo for Clark as telegram 30.
  2. Dated July 3, p. 1312.