795.00/7–153: Telegram

The Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to the Department of State

top secret

2. Department pass Defense Tokyo 1 (Tokyo pass information CINCUNC for General Clark); repeated information niact Pusan 1. For the Secretary from Robertson.

Referring Rhee’s letter July 12 already transmitted, the only real issue now facing us is what are we going to do if and when we are convinced that political conference is only a stalling process and we walk out of conference together. This fundamental question is set forth in the last paragraph his letter as follows:

“We are very near to an agreement not to obstruct the armistice, provided the US definitely pledges to resume fighting with us, in case of a failure of the political conference, until the unification of Korea is accomplished. If this cannot be done, I do not see how I can comply with your request in the armistice, for I have no means to convince the Korean people who are definitely opposed to the truce terms as they are now.”

I propose see Rhee tomorrow and reiterate that my Government is unable to give him desired promise to resume fighting; that we can make no commitment for military action beyond the mutual defense pact but that we would of course consult with ROK Government at the time as to the best course of action which seemed indicated by circumstances then existing. If you reply promptly, there will be time to receive your guidance before my interview. If Rhee remains obdurate and inflexible on this issue it would seem that my mission will have terminated. However, I shall defer informing Rhee to this effect until so advised by you.

  1. Received at 12:50 p.m. on July 1.
  2. Supra.