795.00/5–453: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Japan1
2586. No distribution. Personal for Murphy. Department greatly concerned over failure Harrison at May 4 meeting obtain commitment from Communists they were prepared to accept one of four Asiatic states named prior to nominating Pakistan in accordance with instructions from JCS to CINCUNC. Clark being queried by separate message from JCS2 but would appreciate any additional background you may be able furnish.
Appears here dangerous possibility is Communists will now nominate India and that the difference between the basis upon which we are willing to accept India and Pakistan will be exposed to the detriment of our relations with India and ability to maintain position that India is acceptable only if associated with Switzerland or Sweden. The only way we perceive these difficulties can be minimized is if Communists nominate India that [then?] UNC delegation in accordance with latter part para 3 JCS instructions May 2 to Clark point out that it has made three nominations, one which was from among countries mentioned by Communists but in spirit of compromise and desire for quick resolution of this problem UNC proposes that each side accept the other’s primary nomination, that is, association of India with Switzerland or Sweden.