Agreement on the greater sanctions statement; continuation of the military armistice negotiations at Panmunjom; postponement of discussion of Korea at the Sixth Session of the UN General Assembly; decision on the policy of voluntary repatriation; South Korean economic problems; decision on the package proposal at Panmunjom; Operation Scatter; delivery of the package proposal1

1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. vii, Part 1, pp. 1 ff.

[2] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France

795.00/1–252: Telegram

[3] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France

795.00/1–352: Telegram

[6] The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Department of State

795.00/1–452: Telegram

[9] The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Ridgway)

FE files, lot 55 D 128, tab 36

[10] The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway)

795.00/1–3152: Telegram

[11] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France

795.00/1–1152: Telegram

[13] The Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

795.00/1–3152: Telegram

[15] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Director of the Executive Secretariat (McWilliams)

Secretary’s Daily Meetings,1 lot 58 D 609

[17] The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief Far East (Ridgway)

795.00/1–3152: Telegram

[18] The Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

795.00/1–3152: Telegram

[20] The Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway) to the Chief of Staff of the United States Army (Collins)

Truman Library, Truman papers, Department of Defense Material Relating to the Korean War

[21] The Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Truman Library, Truman papers, Department of Defense Material Relating to the Korean War

[22] The Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

FE files, lot 55 D 128, tab 108

[23] The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway)

795.00/2–252: Telegram

[27] Memorandum of the Substance of Discussion at a Department of State–Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting

State–JCS Meetings, lot 61 D 417

[29] Memorandum by the Secretary of State


[30] Memorandum by the Secretary of State to the President


  1. The time of dispatch of military telegrams incoming to Washington from Tokyo was indicated in the source text in terms of Greenwich Mean Time. In this compilation, unless otherwise indicated, the time is given in Local (Tokyo) Standard Time, which is 9 hours in advance of Greenwich Mean Time.
  2. The time of transmission of military telegrams outgoing from Washington was indicated on the source text in terms of Greenwich Mean Time. In this compilation, unless otherwise indicated, the hour of transmission is given in Eastern Standard Time.
  3. As of Jan. 28, 1952, Secretary of State Acheson set up a dual system of staff meetings: small meetings held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:30 a.m. in his office attended by Department of State personnel he specifically designated to be present at that particular meeting (usually from 7 to 15 persons) and large staff meetings, held Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 a.m., at which a regular group of principal officers of the Department of State (about 25 in number) or their deputies were present.

    This system replaced daily meetings with the Secretary of State as well as the Under Secretary’s meetings, both of which had proved unsatisfactory. The same persons who had attended the Under Secretary’s meeting now attended the Tuesday and Thursday meetings, which were officially designated “Secretary’s Staff Meetings”.

    After the small meetings in the Secretary’s office, the Executive Secretariat prepared short memoranda of conversation (of which the source text is one) in summary form with extremely limited distribution. The Executive Secretariat also prepared informal summary notes of the large staff meetings, which had no official status and no directive authority. These notes, often more informative than the short summaries of the small meetings, were given wider distribution.

  4. The JCS copy of this telegram shows the date time group as 231125Z or 8:25 p.m. Seoul time.