Eisenhower Library, Dulles papers, “Telephone Conversations”

No. 378
Memorandum of Telephone Conversations, Prepared in the Department of State1

Telephone Call From Sec. Wilson

W. said he has a message from Chase and Stump2 that raises the question of some retaliatory action—W. thinks we should talk to the President. W. does not want to approve it, but it is something to be discussed. R.* told W. that we haven’t the message yet. They want action against the mainland. The Sec. referred to an earlier cable from Rankin.3 W. said they have asked our permission. They want to get in the clear. The Sec. said he would like the message sent over, W. said he would do so and will set up an appointment.

[Page 852]

W. Called back. The appointment is at 4, and Radford will bring the message over at 3:30 and then go to the WH with the Sec.4

  1. Apparently prepared by Phyllis Bernau; the initials “pdb” appear on the source text.
  2. The message under reference was apparently a summary or repetition of telegram MG 9977 from Chief MAAG Formosa to CINCPAC, Nov. 1, which reported a conversation that day between Chase and Chinese Defense Minister Yu similar to Rankin’s conversation with Yu reported in telegram 318 from Taipei, Document 374, and transmitted a Chinese request for U.S. concurrence in proposed Chinese Air Force attacks on several Chinese Communist airbases. (Taipei Embassy files, lot 62 F 83)
  3. Radford. [Note in the margin of the source text.]
  4. Presumably telegram 318, Document 374.
  5. No record of a meeting at the White House has been found in Department of State files.