751G.00/5–2454: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Dillon) to the Department of State
4503. Repeated information Geneva 283. Limit distribution. Eyes only Under Secretary. Re Deptels 41941 and 4023.2 In order to clarify status of negotiations on conditions mentioned para 2 Deptel 4023, following is my present understanding regarding each condition:
- 2–a.
- French accept.
- 2–b.
- French accept in principle but I am sure that they would not be disposed to request assistance of these states until such time as U.S. is in position to inform French that invitations would be accepted by Thailand and Philippines, and probably accepted by Australia and New Zealand. Thus completion of condition 2–b is now essentially a U.S. responsibility. French are uninformed regarding progress of negotiations on this subject with the exception of what they read in the press, and they would very much appreciate any information which can be given them.
- 2–c.
- Accepted in principle by French with the understanding that all concerned now agree that in the first instance appeal U.N. should be made only by Thailand. Bidault personally continues to have certain reservations regarding discussion in General Assembly for fear of provoking Arab States, but Schumann and Laniel are firm on this point and I am sure that their point of view will prevail.
- 2–d.
- Will comment in later telegram.
- 2–e.
- French, as result of information in Deptel 4194 are now satisfied as to composition U.S. forces. However, their satisfaction is based on their feeling that General Ely will have no difficulty in demonstrating strictly military needs for Marines to JCS. This, I assume, would be covered in military planning talks which French desire to start promptly. If Ely should be unable to convince JCS of need for Marines a serious problem would arise, as while U.S. naturally cannot commit Marines for merely psychological reasons, nevertheless such reasons would be overriding in French Parliament and public opinion. French accept undertaking that forces from U.S. and other nations would be supplementary and not in substitution for French forces, but they are unwilling to be tied to entire period of united action for reasons expressed in Embtels 44163 and 4499,4 as well as fact that there would be no similar commitment regarding U.S. and other forces. I think French would readily agree to a formula such as following: “France would agree that forces from US and other nations will be supplementary to French Union forces in Indochina and not in substitution thereof.”
- 2–f.
- French are anxious to undertake military negotiations promptly on this item and on overall military planning. Understand Ely has had preliminary talks with O’Daniel regarding training. I would think that best place for these negotiations would be Washington with Valluy representing French and with possibility of two or three days visit by General Ely.
Naturally, it must be realized that proposals will stand or fall as a whole and answers I outlined above are not as yet commitments, but do represent present thinking of Laniel and Schumann.
Brief answers to questions posed in para 2 of Deptel 4194 are:
- 2–a.
- French clearly view present talks both as device to strengthen hand at Geneva and as preparing way for military intervention if necessary.
- 2–b.
- French expected to take decision on internationalization at such time as it becomes clear to public opinion that an honorable armistice is not possible at Geneva. I should think that this moment might arrive sometime within the next two or three weeks.
- 2–c.
- French have been negotiating seriously since receipt of Deptel 4023.
- 2–d.
- Immediately after decision is taken that honorable armistice is not possible at Geneva.
Military situation in delta will also have direct influence on French timing. The less the military pressure from the Vietminh, the longer the French would be willing to negotiate at Geneva for an armistice, or conversely, the greater the military pressure the quicker they will decide that no honorable armistice is possible at Geneva.