751G.5 MSP/12–1754: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1
2477. 1. FYI planning now under way here for OCB and NSC review US policies and operations in three Associated States. Subject tentatively set for NSC meeting January 21. This should be taken into account in making appraisals basic prospects for US programs in three Associated States as suggested Deptel 2130 to Saigon repeated Phnom Penh 167 and Vientiane 115.2 Some concern felt in Washington agencies over US taking on direct aid and other responsibilities on or about January 1 before basic appraisal available for OCB and NSC consideration. Gen Collins mid-January target dates have been conveyed to OCB and high level agencies concerned.
[Page 2393]2. At OCB meeting Dec 15 Saigon’s 2250, repeated Paris 706,3 2261 repeated Paris 710,4 and 2168 repeated Paris 6815 summarized. Briefing put particular emphasis on minute of understanding re Vietnamese armed forces. Paragraph one of memo for record read entirely. State and Defense urgently drafting telegram for French and US governmental approval minute of understanding. Also discussed area approach mainland Southeast Asia, Diem problem, French policies re Viet Minh, and tentative projected costs US programs fiscal 55 and 56 three Associated States.
3. Also summarized Phnom Penh’s 352 repeated Saigon 367, Paris 185,6 and Vientiane’s 174 repeated Saigon 250, Paris and Phnom Penh unnumbered.7