Secretary’s Staff Meetings, lot 63 D 75

Summary of Staff Meeting, Secretary’s Office, Department of State, September 4, 1953, 9:15 a.m.1



  • Mr. Dulles
  • General Smith
  • Mr. Lourie2
  • Mr. Matthews
  • Mr. Phleger3
  • Mr. Howe4
  • Mr. Bonbright
  • Mr. Bowie
  • Mr. MacArthur
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Mr. Nolting
  • Mr. O’Connor
  • Mr. McCardle (later)
  • Mr. Scott

[Here follows discussion of subjects other than Indochina.]

3. Indo-China.

Mr. Matthews reported that he, Mr. Bowie and Mr. MacArthur would be talking to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on this subject this morning.

The Secretary stated that he was planning to see the President in Denver Monday.5 That he would like to clear this matter with the President. He desired the proposed exchange of letters with the French to be in as concrete terms as possible.

Mr. MacArthur recommended that before we make final commitments to the French, the President contact Congressional leaders to receive their approval of the program. He mentioned that this could be done immediately upon the President’s return to Washington.

General Smith felt that we must make sure that the French proceed with troop movements before receiving our final commitment if we plan to have any delay.

Mr. Nolting felt that both Mr. Stassen and Defense felt it necessary to consult with the appropriations committees regarding this item before giving commitment to the French. He pointed out that the second French plan submitted to us had been changed so that much of the additional $400 million would be used for pay, feeding and clothing of Vietnamese troops and that this runs counter to the FOA legislation.

There was a general discussion on this in which Mr. Phleger pointed out that although the matter had not been submitted to him, from what he had heard this morning he felt that using the money for this [Page 751] purpose would be difficult of receiving approval from the Appropriations Committee Chairman.

Mr. Nolting reported that as of last night FOA felt that there was no way to work out the grant without conflicting with the legislation but that they were continuing to explore and would have further information some time this morning.

Mr. MacArthur requested the Secretary to call Stassen to obtain his support for quick and high-level attention in FOA.

The Secretary mentioned that it would probably be best for Mr. Stassen and someone from Defense to accompany him when he saw the President Monday on this item. The Secretary approved mentioning his plan of the trip to see the President to the Joint Chiefs of Staff but desired no publicity at this time.

[Here follows discussion of subjects other than Indochina.]

  1. Drafted by Walter K. Scott, Director of the Executive Secretariat.
  2. Donold B. Lourie, Under Secretary of State for Administration.
  3. Herman Phleger, Legal Adviser.
  4. Fisher Howe, Deputy Special Assistant for Intelligence.
  5. Secretary Dulles flew to Denver on Sept. 6 and met with the vacationing President at Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, at 9 a.m., Monday morning, Sept. 7. (Dulles papers, “Daily Appointments”; Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower records, “Daily Appointments”) No record of the conversation has been found.