751G.551/3–1152: Telegram
The Minister at Saigon (Heath) to the Department of State
1769. Rptd info Paris 626, Hanoi unn. Besides investiture new Cabinet,1 principal event on Viet Independence Day in Saigon was parade Viet Army. For first time there not single white face in line of march and even Fr police along route little in evidence. Parade entirely marshaled by Viets.
On reviewing stand appeared flags of most nations recognizing Vietnam but along parade route for first time Viet colors appeared without Fr flag alongside.
Parade preceded by delivery of some 120 Viet Army decorations pinned on recipients by Bao Dai and Huu. Four thous men then marched past. New Viet Chief staff-to-be, Brig Gen Hinh (Legtel 1768 rptd Paris 625 Mar 11)2 said that out of four armored cars in parade, two had returned from operations to take part and were to go back to field same evening. Likewise one of Btn Commanders flown in from his unit to be decorated. Some of Viet companies also returned immed to operational areas.
Noted in line of march were officer cadets from Dalat; units regular Viet bns; fairly large number small [garble] Viet conscripts armed with big Garand rifles from MDAP; delegations from Hoa Hao, Binh Xuyen, UMDC, and—in spite present difficulties—Caodaists; finally, closing parade, contingent of some 70 US Studebaker and GMC trucks, newly arrived under MDAP. These obviously impressed those in reviewing stand who had heard tendentious reports about US failure to deliver.