751 J.5/5–2553: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy at Saigon1
2116. Following is text of statement issued today by Secretary regarding Laos:2
Ever since the invasion of Laos began, we have been following developments there with the closest attention and grave concern. Here is another case of ruthless and unprovoked attack upon a country peacefully ruled by a duly constituted government recognized by 35 other nations. When the Communists talk of a Laotian “liberation army”, and of “Vietnamese volunteers” they are using the classic Communist phrases which were invented to cloak aggression and which now identify aggression.
We have encouraging reports that the people of Laos are rallying around their King and are cooperating with the forces of the French Union in the defense of their capital. Their efforts are an integral part of the struggle of the entire free world against enslavement and are recognized as such here.
We are maintaining close contact with the Governments of Laos and of France regarding the special requirements of the situation. We have already taken steps to expedite the delivery of critically needed military items to the forces defending Laos.
We are especially concerned at the plight of the Laotian people who have been driven from their homes by the invaders. The MSA Mission in Laos is arranging to be of help to the Laotian Government in the furnishing of the funds and supplies needed to care for these victims of Viet Minh aggression.