751G.00/11–2452: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Dunn) to the Department of State


3092. Rptd info Saigon 95, London unnumbered. Deptel 2914, Nov 19 (Saigon 1030).1 Emb has no knowledge of and has seen no indication of Fr Govt intention to reduce present scale of Fr mil support IC after 1953. This question is in sense perennial one—will Fr Parl continue vote appropriations necessary for IC effort?

Action of Natl Assembly on Nov 19 in postponing vote on Min of Assoc States civil budget (Embtel 3049, Saigon 92)2 and SFIO Natl Council resolution calling for negots with Ho Chi Minh are not expected to affect seriously eventual outcome of Natl Assembly consideration of question Fr mil effort IC in 1953. FonAff debate scheduled begin Dec 4, which will include IC, shld provide outlet for all criticism and opposition Fr policy IC, but even Socialists in recent [Page 301] resolution did not speak of withdrawal and it is not believed that Natl Assembly wld under existing circumstances fail to provide support requested for Fr Union forces in IC in 1953. This debate shld however give clearer indication polit and public reaction to IC problem. With US making very substantial contribution IC def (which however, is not yet sufficiently known to Fr public) and with Vietnamese armies beginning to take shape, it is not believed likely, despite expected outcry in Natl Assembly for various solutions, such as internationalization of IC problem, negots with Ho Chi Minh and Fr withdrawal from IC, that govt will not be able obtain approval its 1953 IC def budget. It is not possible to say how much longer such conditions will obtain as answer must depend upon existing circumstances, both within France and IC as well as elsewhere in world, when question of Fr mil support beyond 1953 arises.

Re this gen connection, press reports of Pinay‘s desire to link IC and Korean problems are of some interest in that Fr support in UN of Indian solution for Korean armistice negots is believed to be related to Fr desire to find solution in IC. Pinay, and others, probably view IC solution as possible within overall settlement and see in successful Korean negots eagerly sought opportunity to end IC war. In event successful conclusion Korean negots, Fr may be expected to look to inclusion IC among problems to be settled after truce, and for this reason wld strongly favor overall settlement in FE at such time.

  1. In telegram 2914 to Paris, Nov. 19, the Department of State requested the comments of the Embassy on the report contained in telegram 1028 from Saigon, Nov. 18 (p. 284), that Vietnam might not be able to count on the existing scale of French military support beyond 1953. (751G.00/11–1852)
  2. In telegram 3049 from Paris, Nov. 20, it was reported that on Nov. 19, the National Assembly had voted to postpone examination of the budget of the Ministry for the Associated States until debate was held on Indochina policy. (751.21/11–2052)