740.5/11–1052: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Dunn) to the Department of State
2870. Re Deptel 2609, Nov 4.1
- 1.
- We have considered with great interest the possible line of approach outlined in reftel, and we fully appreciate the desirability of having others participate in assisting France in financing the Indo-Chinese operations. We assume that reftel concerned with aid that would only alleviate strain on French budgetary resources, and that manpower assistance not considered in this context. It is the budgetary strain which deeply affects French thinking in NATO, EDC, Germany and defense questions in general. They would equally welcome any prospect of relieving drain on Friday [French] military manpower but at present time seem to expect such relief only from “settlement of Indochina war” or eventual development of Associated States Natl Armies, as they apparently see any military participation by other countries, in absence of overt Chinese intervention, as highly unlikely and perhaps undesirable.
- 2.
French have long been anxious for internal recognition that they are defending Indochina in interest of free world rather than merely waging a colonial war. You will recall that during Secretary’s discussion with French ministers last May, Pinay‘s first question was whether US did in fact recognize Fr effort in Indochina as in general allied interest rather than purely Fr interest and that Secy replied in affirmative.
In recent weeks there has been increasing public discussion of this situation and increasingly frequent statements that Fr could not continue indefinitely to carry by herself the burden of a war in which her natl interest was less of a controlling factor than of preventing the spread of Communist aggression in Southeast Asia.
- 3.
- It seems to us that pre-condition for obtaining even symbolical aid from other countries is establishment of pol framework for associating them with Fr effort. Fr may have had this in mind when they suggested Southeast Asia problem be discussed tripartitely in Dec. Should Fr themselves bring up in immediate future question of possible approach to other countries, we believe we should refer to Secty’s reply to Pinay last May, reiterate our belief Indochina campaign of interest to free world rather than solely to France, state that we support [Page 279] in principle the idea of obtaining and organizing additional assistance from other nations, and that we would be prepared to support such Fr proposals to this end as might be practicable and desirable.
- 4.
- On other hand, any initiative by us at present might well, in current state of Fr thinking, arouse strong suspicion we merely seeking ways of reducing our own assistance. This might have seriously discouraging effect on their own determination with respect to Indo-china. Accordingly I hope no steps will be taken with Fr at this time along lines reftel, and fact that we are even considering subject should be most closely held.
- In telegram 2609 to Paris, Nov. 4, the Department of State discussed the possibility of obtaining the financial support of members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for the French effort in Indochina. It was considered that initial efforts might best be made with Canada and Belgium. The Department emphasized the favorable effect upon Congress which could be achieved by an attempt to reduce the burden of the Indochina war for the United States. (740.5/11–552) For the complete text of telegram 2609, see volume vi.↩