690B.9321/5–2653: Telegram

No. 75
The Ambassador in Thailand (Stanton) to the Department of State1


2364. Part 1. Today Burma agreed accept my draft tentative agreement2 without modification. Burma furnished Joint Committee with plan for temporary safety zone Monghsat area permit visit Joint Committee. This zone extends Thai border 50 miles north and 60 miles wide. Specifies cease-fire, no movement of troops during cease-fire, no aircraft except committee aircraft enter zone. Burma also furnished Joint Committee three alternate detailed plans withdrawal foreign troops (which they estimate 12,000 armed combat personnel). Burmese representative informed chairman he invested by Rangoon with fairly large amount authority eliminate frequent reference to Rangoon and meet circumstances here. Said he felt Chinese representative exploratory in approach to issues thus far; felt if Chinese National Government sincere in desire implement UN resolution Chinese Nationalist representative should be armed with more authority. Burmese now have done all they can. Joint Committee in recess waiting for Chinese Nationalist representative come up with reply to my draft tentative agreement and statement position on Burmese plans. Thai meanwhile drafting detailed plans movement foreign troops through Thai. Chinese Nationalist representative states does not believe Taipei can furnish shipping. We recommend US offer furnish shipping Bangkok to Taiwan. Chinese [Page 108] Nationalist representative further stated he needs more time study tentative agreement and also plan presented by Burmese.

Part 2. My draft tentative agreement following telegram.

  1. Repeated to Rangoon and Taipei.
  2. The text of the draft tentative agreement was sent in telegram 2365 from Bangkok, May 26. It provided that when the Committee had made arrangements for evacuation of the “foreign troops” in Burma, there should be a ceasefire of limited duration to permit them to move to designated safety zones; representatives of the Committee should meet with leaders of the foreign troops in Mong Hsat to arrange details of the evacuation; all arms should be turned over to the Joint Committee at the safety zone, sealed, and, if possible, flown out of Burma; and the foreign troops should be evacuated through Thailand. (690B.9321/5–2653)