611.56D/8–354: Telegram

No. 288
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia


161. Limit distribution. Your 183.1 Considering present U.S. policy regarding Indonesian-Netherlands New Guinea issue. Department reluctant transmit President Sukarno’s request for conveying essence your conversation to President without comment and recommendations.

USUN reports Balluseck2 (Netherlands) said Prince Wan3 told him Indonesian representative informed recent meeting Arab-Asian group Indonesia definitely plans bring up New Guinea in Ninth GA. This evidence supported by previous reports intent seek UN consideration and evident failure obtain Dutch agreement negotiate issue at present Hague Conference4 heightens prospects New Guinea issue will be in international forum this year possibly with undesirable consequences such as those outlined our 930,5 CA 62076 and our 4.7

Request your evaluation Sukarno’s position in context overall analysis Indonesian claim, extent to which that position related U.S. interests and to possible success SEA mutual defense arrangements and your recommendations response, if any, which U.S. should make to Sukarno.

  1. Supra.
  2. D. J. von Balluseck, Netherlands Representative at the United Nations.
  3. Prince Wan, Thai Representative at the United Nations.
  4. Reference is to the discussions between Indonesian and Netherlands Representatives on dissolution of the Union; on Aug. 10, an agreement was reached terminating the Union Statute, subject to ratification by both governments (for text, see Documents on International Affairs, 1954, p. 172). Western New Guinea was not included as a subject for discussion during the talks.
  5. See footnote 3, Document 270.
  6. Dated Apr. 29, not printed.
  7. Dated July 1, not printed. (656.56D13/7–154)